View Full Version : Is this caused by panic

03-09-16, 08:36
Hi all,

I am a sad 78 year old male, just returned from a 3 day trip with my dear wife to a lovely hotel in the heart of England. The weather was fine, lovely sunshine the whole time, what could possibly spoil things - well, I would very much like to explain exactly what spoiled things. On the first day, after a good nights sleep the night before, and as I began our car journey, leaving our home behind us, I suddenly began to feel this dreadful tiredness come over me, my arms feeling so week, they just wanted to flop down from the steering wheel, with my legs feeling very shaky. This feeling remained with me for the next 3 hours before finally my normal senses returned and I began to enjoy the rest of the day. We arrived at the hotel I was fine, we enjoyed a lovely evening meal and I slept well at the hotel. Second day, after enjoying breakfast, we set out to visit a lovely National Trust House - bang - that horrible feeling was back, arms week, legs all shaky, again this feeling stayed with me for quite some time at least 2 to 3 hours. We enjoyed the NT visit immensely and by 4 o'clock we set off from the car park to return to the hotel - bang - it just hit me - I began to tell myself that I would have to return home that evening. My wife tried to talk some sense to me, but I just panicked, I stopped the car, feeling dreadful, but declaring that I must return home that evening.
We returned to the hotel and began to pack up our things - but then just for a moment I stopped - After-all, had I not been here so many times before, had I not returned early from 2 other holidays - had I not cancelled that holiday to France at 3 o'clock on the morning we were supposed to travel. And what about my dear wife, how does she put up with it so well, it's just not fair to her. I sat on the hotel bed, 'come and talk to me I said to her' as she was still packing her case. 'I have got to get through this, I have got to get through this, this is no life - I am going to stay for our second night at the hotel', and this we did.
The following morning, although I did not feel like much breakfast, the old tummy was a bit upset, but I did eat, and soon after breakfast as originally planned we set off for home - within half-an-hour, knowing that I would be home that day, I was as normal as I ever was, appetite back, arms and legs all feeling strong, what was that all about then - well, that's the question is it not, WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT, because I so desperately wish for it to be explained to me, and is there some magic treatment to sort me out and allow me to take my wife away on holiday once more? Any helpful suggestions would be very much appreciated, or should this sad person just give in to it and just stay at home! Many thanks for reading this.

03-09-16, 10:19

Feeling of dread, weakness, extreme tiredness, peculiar sensations in the body, slightly blurred vision, legs weak/heavy and surges of adrenalin rushing through.
Gurgling and uncomfortable stomach. A feeling of collapse or something terrible is about to happen.

Can occur more when you are away from your familiar surroundings or what we call safe zones. Or something you feel uncomfortable with.

There is a lot of information on here about it. x

03-09-16, 11:06
You are not sad and you are not alone, A you are lucky to have a fabulous wife who obviously understands u which is more than some can say of there partners B you obviously have a reasonably good physical health as you can still drive which would leave you fairly restricted if you couldn't, and last but not least C you did it, u overcame your fear, how great is that, all your symptoms point to panic disorder which unlike a panic attack that only last so long, yours continued for a while.
I would suggest you get a glucose test as when mines low I also get the same symptoms.
Even after just eating breakfast.
Enjoy all those holidays your still very young enough to enjoy.

03-09-16, 21:22
Thank you Carnation and Alexandria for your replies. And yes, that idea of a long lasting panic attack does sound a bit right to me now. I have had short bursts of panic following sessions of spinning vertigo caused by an ear condition thought to be Meniers disease . But that condition including the vertigo seems to have cleared up now, (I touch wood). My wife wishes for me to attend CBT or Hypnotherapy, I wonder if anyone has any experience of those treatments? My GP has prescribed Citalopram 20mg daily which I take, but that does not seem to have any affect on this feeling of panic and the physical affects of panic. I do sense that this site is very well supported, and I thank you again both.

04-09-16, 20:27
I had 6 weeks of CBT and found it very informative, it was about one to one to start with and then group, can't say it cured me but it did help me to believe I wasn't the only one dealing with it.
As for hypnotherapy no idea, and having never taken citalapram no idea on that either but sure there are plenty on here who have.
I hope talking about it to people who have the same symptom's helps.

05-09-16, 06:06
Thank you again Alexandria - yes, I also feel that the reading of other experiences helps a lot. Take care - Pip

12-09-16, 13:00
Hello Pip,

I absolutely understand these feelings that you are having as I myself go through these same sensations when travelling with my partner. Like yourself they stop as quickly as they start. As for the citalopram I am also on 20mg and I have found that it has certainly softened the edges of these feelings but it did take around 8 weeks to do so.

All the best to you :)

12-09-16, 21:12
Hi Lugosi, Many thanks for your comments, and for your mention of that time scale for Citalopram to show results. We all need to get our lives back, do we not? Pip