View Full Version : Are these all caused by anxiety

03-09-16, 14:55
Suffering font chronic anxiety getting choking felling can't breath tension 24/7 loads other symptoms thanks

03-09-16, 14:58
all those can be anxiety sadly, and can change daily too. try to breathe very steadily in, hold it for a count of three then slowly out. nothing else just concentrate on your breathing for a little while.

hope you are ok soon, its very real and frightening but it will always pass and you`ll always come out the other side

03-09-16, 15:01
Have a read of this:


18-09-16, 07:33
Greetings, I am new here and am learning how to move around the site.

26-09-16, 06:42
From my experience its caused by anxiety .Anxiety its respomsable for fear panick attacks ,shaking and many others .I hate this desease as its like a bitch to us