View Full Version : Aspartame

25-03-07, 17:56
Hi everyone

wasnt quite sure were to put this, so apologies if its in the wrong place.

I noticed on another thread a couple of people mentioned aspartame and how they avoid it.

I just wondered what side effects you noticed from aspartame.

The reason I ask is that I drink a lot of diet fizzy drink (one particular brand...I sometimes think I'm 'addicted' to it).

I do always seem to feel a bit below par physically and am now wondering whether there may be effects on mood/anxiety etc. I also get lots of ectopics and when I cut down on the drinks they get worse not better.

I have read some stuff on the internet which is fairly heavy and quite scary but I'm not sure how much is accurate...and then you get the counter arguments claiming its all scaremongoring etc.

Also anyone who has successfully cut this out or reduced it in your diet how did you do it...is it really addictive cos it sure feels like it (although it may be the caffeine I'm addicted to I suppose lol.

Any thoughts, info or advice would be much appreciated.

Coni X

26-03-07, 00:06
Hi Coni,

Yes I am one of the ones that avoids it where poss!

A nutritionist told me about 6 years ago to do this, as it is a known contributor to panic attacks in some people.

I do have very small amounts I am sure in the odd thing but the biggest culprit for me was in drinks. Luckily I was never a fan of fizzy drinks that much anyway and I already knew I should avoid caffiene, so the next thing I did was to swap sugar free squash for the high juice kind.

There is less chance of finding it in the high juice variety but obviously this increases your sugar intake so I only add a splash of squash to the water these days for the sake of my teeth.

One suggestion the nutritionist had was to buy normal cartons of fruit juice and water those down as they don't usually have added chemicals, or drink fruit teas for your hot drinks.

I would say it's a case of still checking the labels on all drinks until you get to know which ones don't have it. Also just start by cutting back at the beginning as especially if you have been used to a lot of caffiene that can be hard to give up all in one hit.

Best of luck hun and I am sure you won't regret it.:D

Piglet :flowers:

26-03-07, 00:23
hi, really funny you started this thread, i was gonna start one exatlly the same... my mum is very big on only eating organic stuff, i was never allowed fizzy pops or surgery cereals etc (all very boring as a child, although im thankful for it now)... she has gone on about aspartame for yuears and i've never really listened, when i found out the scary facts about it myself i decided to cut it out of my diet, that was only a week ago though and i'm not really one for processed foods or fizzy drinks anyway.... there's some interesting stuff on youtube about it... i was just wondering what differences people noticed after cutting it out of their diet?

26-03-07, 00:44
When my panic disorder struck again in late December, I was a total wreck. I was so terrified every day that I immediately stopped drinking any alcohol, caffeine, or anything that contained aspartame. I rarely chew gum anymore even and am careful in selecting mints. Aspartame is in many things, gums, mints, sodas especially, a number of foods (candies especially).

Over time, I believe it made a positive difference in my health. I am very cautious now about what I drink - in fact I drink only water, anywhere from half a gallon to a gallon a day. In my case, I felt that desperate times called for desperate measures. It wasn't so hard to give it all up because I would have given up just about anything to help me feel better.

Aspartame, in numerous studies has effected mental health as well as physical. I am not sure the of the exact chemical or physiological reactions, but it is something anyone who suffers from anxiety should certainly avoid. On the other hand, if you feel that you are addicted, seek out the advice of a competent medical professional. Aspartame can be a major problem in causing (or adding/contributing to) depression and anxiety, which of course includes many lovely symptoms.

Also, if you get a chance you may want to speak with a dietician regarding this and any other dietary changes that may prove beneficial.

Good luck and God bless you,


26-03-07, 09:27
Interesting posts. I cut out Aspartame at the same time as I cut out caffeine. Some fizzy drinks are loaded with both. It's also been suggested that research has shown it has effects on physical health as well.

27-03-07, 16:52
Hi everyone, thanks for taking the time to reply. I am going to try and cut down on my intake...one of my colleagues is very into nutrition and health and she strongly believes that this chemical has many really bad side effects on both physical and mental health (although I guess the two are linked). I may even speak to the dietician at work.

David you are so right....I am shocked at how many foods contain this, things you would never think of.I wish I had your strength to give up the diet drinks though...maybe its the caffeine I'm addicted to...I get real 'cravings' for it....how sad eh lol?

Piglet, Honeybee and Jo...thanks for replying...I'll let you know how I get on.

I've tried the last two days to only drink water at work (normally 4+ cans of juice :shrug: ) so far so good though today I had a really frightening run of palpitations/ectopics...the worst in ages. Maybe coincidence, I dont know.

Anyway thanks again

take care all

Coni X

28-03-07, 09:28
I cut it out after panics started. I read some stuff on it related to anxiety, panic etc.
It creeps up in all sorts of places though. It was in a yoghurt that was meant to be a "healthy option".
Don't know much about it although I did read once that the American Airforce had banned fighter pilots from taking it due to it affecting function. Not sure if this is true or not?


28-03-07, 14:12
yes trev, that is true

28-03-07, 17:43
Hi Trev, you're right it does creep up in strange places. Interesting about the pilots...I wonder in what way did it affect their function?

Coni X

28-03-07, 18:32
it effected their eyesight and hand eye coordination.... check aspartame out on youtube... interesting stuff

29-03-07, 21:16
Thanks honeybee...will do.

Coni X