View Full Version : Terrified I have bladder cancer

03-09-16, 22:59
Hi all,

So, about a month ago, I ended up going to the hospital for a kidney stone. The doctors found it when they took an ultra sound. I ended up passing it 3 hours later. Well, at least I think that I did. The doctors were going to send me home with a strainer to catch the stone, but they forgot it so I never got one. I suddenly started having blood in my urine though and clots. It didn't hurt to pee, but while I was having blood in my urine, my bladder felt as if it was being ripped in two. It was such an intense burning sensation. I was concerned so I went back to the hospital. I had to take another urine sample and it looked like kool-aid!

So, I ended up having a CT scan. Doctors found nothing suspicious except that my bladder was a bit inflamed and that the stones looked to be as if they were gone. There was a big white cell blood count in my urine so the doctors suspected I got a UTI from the stone. I was on antibiotics for 7 days yet this antibiotic didn't do much at all as my urine culture that was examined revealed I had no infection! They just thought the white cell blood count could have been up because of me passing the stone.

Well, ever since I've been off the antibiotic, I've had ups and down periods with my urine. I've been able to pee normally and other times I can barely pee. Only a little will come out. I'll also get what feels like flares where I REALLY have to pee. In fact, the other night, I had to pee so bad like 3 times in a row. I also hardly ever full like my bladder is completely empty. Along with this, I sometimes get small bladder pains. They last like a second. It's like a small pinching pain.

In addition to all of this, my appetite has not been normal since! I had a couple weeks period where I could eat food fine and all of a sudden, I've had these burning pains in my stomach. They cause me to feel real nauseous and as a result of this, I've barely had an appetite. I can eat, but it's rare. I've lost some weight because of this. I'm usually around 115-117 lbs(am 5'4), but I have lately been ranging to 110-113 lbs. I'm thinking it may be acid reflux as i do have a feeling in my throat like food is stuck in there, but I don't know. I had some milk yesterday which made that burning go away and I was able to eat a full dinner then.

I'm just really concerned is all as my bladder hasn't been normal since the stone and loss of appetite and weight I know can be associated with cancer. I have a cystoscopy scheduled for the 20th and I'm SO scared. I am only 21 so I know it is pretty rare for someone at my age to have this, but ugh. I can't stop thinking of the worst!!

06-09-16, 05:15
VERY rare to have bladder cancer at your age.

It sounds like you might have cystitis--a very common (and benign) problem experienced by young women.

I had a cystoscopy for microscopic hematuria and was convinced I had bladder cancer. Of course I didn’t.

06-09-16, 19:29
My sister had the same thing, white blood cells etc but no infection. She also has stones. CT showed enlarged bladder she had that test you're going for found nothing and she is 39

I think you will be just fine.

07-09-16, 00:28
Read my thread "first ever health anxiety attack" it's on the first page.

Culturing urine samples won't bring up every bacteria....5 months of giving urine samples and they final grew ecoli last month! I was given a strong course of antibiotics and had a follow up today and it's all normal.
Sterile pyuria it very common.

I have gone crazy thinking I had bladder/kidney cancer but it was just a stubborn asymptomatic infection xx