View Full Version : Older parents =increased cancer risk in offspring?

04-09-16, 03:25
Today is a bad health anxiety day. My mum said something that triggered me off and I ( stupidly ) googled to try and undo it and it made things worse. She said she was lucky to conceive naturally with me at 38 when most people have poor egg quality and need donor eggs.
I read several Uni papers on how having a parent over the age of 35 at birth, increases cancer risk earlier in life of offspring by 75% through poor egg quality and defective gene formation. This has depressed the crap out of me. When I read things in general health sites written by randoms I can easily brush it off as misinformation but how do you argue with huge case studies and scientific research?.... Is my OCD and health anxiety making this seem worse than it is?

04-09-16, 06:55
Yes it is

04-09-16, 10:14
Uni papers are just papers written by students, do the maths.... 67.\. Of mothers are aged 35 and above when giving birth, if 75./. Of those babies had a higher risk of cancer the oncology unit would be bursting at the seams!!
I was 35 & 40 when I had my two, if there is any truth in this "reports" have they taken into account other factors like diet smoking drinking etc??? I doubt it!

04-09-16, 23:46
Yeah, I like to think there'd be other variables plying a bigger part. Also, sorry if this was a trigger for anyone. I just have trouble distinguishing what is a real worry from what is my anxiety.

05-09-16, 13:25
I think it is a load of rubbish what we hear or read about this sort of thing.
My Mum had me when she was 45 years old.
Anyone can have cancer at any age. That's life. But nothing to do with the age of the parent.