View Full Version : Just a bad day, or..?

04-09-16, 21:29
Hello everyone. Before I start ranting to y'all I might as well introduce myself considering I'm new to this place - so hiiii! I'm Ronni. :D I'll let you know a little about me and my health status and concerns... I'm A 19 year old girl, weigh in at just over 8 stone, and stand at around 5'4. My recent blood tests (after finding a lump in my elbow, I won't go into that just yet though) have all come back normal though my MVC is a little high but still within 'normal' standards - my doctor said the haematologist won't see me as it's honestly nothing to be concerned about despite the fact I don't drink whatsoever and have no other (obvious) illness that would cause enlarged red blood cells... that said, I'm beginning to think I'm definitely anemic and I'm getting tested for vitamin decencies soon to see if I'm lacking in anything seeing this could enlarge my cells apparently. I do look (and feel) somewhat malnourished. I've always had very pale skin, and I've had something wrong with my eyes since I was a baby so whenever I'm out in bright sunshine I can barely keep them open without them stinging/watering like mad!!!! This doesn't affect my vision whatsoever. I work out regularly and whereas I could eat a bit healthier, I don't necessarily eat /badly/.

When I was about seven I had a suspicious mole removed from my leg though this turned out to be non-malignant and so I don't even know why that's relevant to type lol. I just want you to get a feel of what I'm going through in case any of these are symptoms of some underlying condition....

Recently, I've been developing petechae, those tiny pin prick red dots that you get on your skin but they typically only appear one at a time and disappear within 24 hours. On this note, today I carried a somewhat heavy shopping back on the crease of my arm and this happened (I've attached a picture.) so yeah, that's freaked me out considering it hasn't happened before. :huh:

I've been on a bit of a health kick lately, to get my immune system stronger in hopes I can stop worrying about every little thing that happens to my body and so about a half hour ago I took a hot detox bath with ginger, baking soda and milk. Upon getting in this bath I had to quickly get back out (within ten minutes) because I felt so light headed, and then the loud ass tinnitus started upon sitting down to try and cool off, and then most scarily of all... BOTH MY THUMBS BECAME COMPLETELY PARALYSED!

My GP reckons there's nothing wrong with me (aside from being a raving hypochondriac) but I disagree. I have an ultrascan for the lump near my elbow in a few weeks time but I don't see how these could be correlated seeing my blood tests were fine and it isn't an infection and doesn't seem to be (let's pray) cancer.

I don't know.... I guess I'm just hoping someone can tell me they've been through the same thing, or explain my symptoms to me. Dr. Google is no help and I refuse to start making myself believe I have leukaemia/lymphoma when my ACTUAL doctor feels there isn't anything to worry about (though may I add we have had the cancer chat just in case it does turn out to be something sinister, to which he then apologised to me for even saying it and said its just a slim possibility that just needed to be addressed....) HA, gotta love doctors, right? Always so sympathetic...... So, anyone wanna console me? :shades:

04-09-16, 21:39
Ahhh, let me add that since typing this the muscle under my left underarm has started ACCHHHINGGG. :unsure: I'm starting to think I could have an autoimmune condition or something...

---------- Post added at 21:39 ---------- Previous post was at 21:35 ----------

Oh my gosh, how could I forget all of this information.... three nights ago I started feeling really shaky. Not anxious shaky, but like the inside of my body was fitting but my physical self wasn't. I don't suffer with seizures but I was so sure this was an 'aura' (the feeling you get before a fit) that I put a pillow on the floor and laid down in case I started fitting (I was home alone.)

Of course I laid on the floor like an idiot for a good twenty minutes while the shaking subsided and the seizure never came, thank God... but it definitely wasn't in my head. The feeling was there and something wasn't right.

I've also had this slight pain in my chest which I think it muskuskelatal or however it's spelt, which too is deffo there, and my left breast has been hurting for the past few days though I'm pretty sure it's my PMS lol.

04-09-16, 21:42
AAAAAND more info I forgot! I've had this rash/dry patch of skin on my thigh for AT LEAST a year now. Original GP told me to put some cream on it and it'll go away but it hasn't... probably something I should bring up again in my next appointment. Here it is for anyone interested lol (attached below)

05-09-16, 09:55
Simple question for starters, are you drinking enough water?

Do you drink lots of tea/coffe?

05-09-16, 10:31
Simple question for starters, are you drinking enough water?

Do you drink lots of tea/coffe?

I've been severely dehydrated up until recently. I'm trying to drink at least 1/and a half litres of water a day.

I drink A LOT of coffee. It's my forté, you see? I own a coffee stall so there's no avoiding that I'm afraid. :unsure:

05-09-16, 10:33
That may well be the cause then. Try and cut down the coffee and drink more water :)

05-09-16, 19:39
That may well be the cause then. Try and cut down the coffee and drink more water :)

Really? ALLLLLL of those symptoms just because I'm dehydrated? :huh:

06-09-16, 08:33
Really? ALLLLLL of those symptoms just because I'm dehydrated? :huh:

You'd be amazed how it affects your body. Also caffeine levels will prob be very high if your drinking alot.

06-09-16, 09:14
Ronnijade I think those red spot things are probably quite common as a lot of people on this site get them. I've also noticed them when I've been carrying a bag between my elbow and even where my jeans/underwear rubs. They go after a couple of days.

The bath light-headedness situation could have been some form of a panic attack, they can come right out of the blue like mine did (mine were night time ones).

I wouldn't worry about that dry patch as it's probably just dermatitis, I know somebody who has almost that exact looking patch on the side of their hand. They've had it for many months now.

Hope you can get some reassurance about your elbow lump as that could be why other things are also bothering you. Lumps can be all sorts of things from cysts (some of which can feel gristly) to lipomas. Good luck.