View Full Version : Balloon feeling in throat/chest?

05-09-16, 01:06
Does anyone else ever get this? I find it pretty hard to explain. But every now and then (for as long as I can remember) I get this feeling in my chest or throat like there's balloon full of air in there, and it always makes me feel anxious, though only lasts a couple of seconds. It feels almost like a burst of oxygen. I think it pulsates a bit too. I literally remember getting this feeling even as a child, and happens every now and then, but have never known what it was and it's also quite hard to explain.

Anyway I've just got it quite badly a few minutes ago and now feel worried. It passed as usual but I'm scared it'll happen again and then not stop or something. My health anxiety is quite heightened atm as I haven't paid my phone bill so can't even call 999 or a friend if need be. I have also run out of Valium which is something that keeps me at ease just by knowing that I have it in the case of an emergency.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knows what I'm talking about regarding this sensation?

05-09-16, 08:21
It sounds like a variety of globus. Although it is distressing, there is no permanent harm.

05-09-16, 22:15
Hey, even if you haven't paid your phone bill you should still be able to ring 999 as its emergency service :)

08-09-16, 23:10
Thank you for the responses. I will look into globus. I couldn't actually even call 999 as they cut me off completely. But I've now got a temporary phone until I can pay, so feeling more relaxed about that now