View Full Version : thoughts

25-03-07, 19:37
Does anybody feel unsettled, looking for answers?, feeling guilty about it?
Wake up in the early hours, with troubled thoughts. Thoughts of family,friends, loved ones, thoughts of things that can never be.... lost dreams of yesterday.

25-03-07, 20:13
hi dave
over the years ive had guilty thoughts, more to do with my daughter as i could never take her anywhere, i do tend to think more of what life could be like when im in bed and i look at the mistakes ive made in life, but hey havent we all got demons somewhere, when i do think like that which isnt very often i tend to have a lousy nights sleep

take care

denise :flowers:

25-03-07, 20:42
Hi Dave

I have these thoughts:shrug: too

How have you been havent heard from you in yonks!!!!!!

Take Care Mate

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

25-03-07, 21:06
Hi Kazzie, not so bad mate, you ok?, what have you been up to?:yesyes: x

25-03-07, 21:38
Not a great deal Dave went to a meet up that was fun!!!!:yesyes:

Not been camping since the force 8 episode last year!!!!:ohmy:

Hows life treating you????:shrug:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

25-03-07, 21:40
Hi Dave

Haven't heard from you for ages! I think it's our age love .... and a tendancy to over analyse/justify life choices made for good or bad. Perhaps you need to set yourself a real challenge, make one of those 'old' dreams come true!!

Kay x

25-03-07, 22:19
"Does anybody feel unsettled, looking for answers?, feeling guilty about it?
Wake up in the early hours, with troubled thoughts. Thoughts of family,friends, loved ones, thoughts of things that can never be.... lost dreams of yesterday."

Yes to it all !

26-03-07, 10:05
Thanks Guys, good to know I'm not alone ..... yep, mid life crisis it is! :)
Maybe I need a new challenge like bungee jumping?:yahoo:

PS. what have you been up to Kay, any excitement in your life?

26-03-07, 11:38
Aha, bungee-jumping......now that got GG's attention!! :D

Sometimes get lots of 'if only' or 'what if I had done that?' thoughts accompanied by feelings of being ungrateful for what I actually have :(

Wanted to be an astronaut when I was 15, but that didn't happen so.........When I was 50 I made a sort of 'list-of-things-to-do-or-overcome-before-I'm-60' list.

Two years in now and I think I've managed to tick one off - can't remember the others :blush: lol!! Don't think bungee-jumping was one of them - praps I should make a new list with that at the top!! Aggh, getting palp's just thinkin' about it! :w00t2:

Hey, praps we should start a 'things-to-get-done-before-we-get-too-old-and-creaky' club?

What about 'hang-gliding for the youthfully-challenged' for item no.2 then Dave? :yahoo:

Ahem, you do know GG doesn't always practice what she preaches don't you? :whistles:

Take care!

16-11-07, 00:20
Bungee jumping? Blimey, tell me how it goes :huh:

Lol anyway back on subject I do get alot of thoughts, mainly on dread and paranoia. When I returned from Egypt in August I found out I failed two of my A Levels and passed one with an E grade (lowest pass grade). I am now back in college doing a different course but when I first started I always thought whether it was worth it and whether I would pass, what would I do if I don't?

I still get it now but I answer them with positive answers :D