View Full Version : Poorly 25mg

05-09-16, 15:50
Hi so i have taken the plunge and dropped to 25mg. This is my second day and omg!! hot sweats are unbearable and the anxiety is through the roof..now what?? I think i am going to stick with it though and see if it settles.

05-09-16, 17:11
Oh Polly, you are really going through it aren't you? Would the taper of such a small amount be causing symptoms this quickly? Maybe you've got a bug or something because there are a lot of them going around. I've got a rotten cold, hot sweats, lost my voice etc, and that caused my anxiety to go up so perhaps that's what it is? x

05-09-16, 17:35
yeah Mojo, however about an hour ago i started my monthly so most likely to be that. I had the pill injection August 7th and doc said it will stop your period.. Anyways i did miss my August one but now i have started so im guessing it is that. Eased off a bit this last hour or so also.. How are you?? xx

05-09-16, 19:04
Still struggling Polly, but I'm due to go on holiday in 5 weeks so I don't really want to mess about with dose changes at the moment as I'm already as anxious as hell about the holiday.

05-09-16, 20:51
Oh Mojo its just a horrible illness! When i was away i had no anxiety so lets hope you can be the same . thinking of you .x

05-09-16, 21:27
Thanks Polly. I'm starting to worry about this holiday like I did with the last one (which I had to cancel in the end because I just couldn't do it) I hope that doesn't happen this time too!

07-09-16, 10:18
How are you two getting on??? I hope coping.
M..How's the virus?
P how r u managing with the lower dose citalopram?
Here is it still morning and still
"same s**t different day!!!!

lovely weather, doesn't make much difference, do you feel "happier" when the sun shines?
take care

07-09-16, 15:50
Hi polly,

The anxiety does wear off I felt it every dose change I was put through, whether up or down, I felt it got better after about a week. At that time I was given nothing to help me through the anxiety so my fear of it made it 100% worse. Try to stick with it as it could be just what you need x

07-09-16, 17:00
How are you two getting on??? I hope coping.
M..How's the virus?
P how r u managing with the lower dose citalopram?
Here is it still morning and still
"same s**t different day!!!!

lovely weather, doesn't make much difference, do you feel "happier" when the sun shines?
take care

The bug is slowly getting better I think thank you. My voice has come back somewhat but it is quite gravelly, like I've just smoked 60 fags lol!

Last night I woke up at 3.30am with the most agonising stomach pains, I honestly thought I was going to have to wake my son up and get him to take me to A&E but I took 3 paracetamol and 3 wind-eze tablets (didn't feel like gas but in for a penny....) and eventually it subsided. But I couldn't get back to sleep again and then at about 5am I started getting my usual morning anxiety feeling and that was it. I have no idea what it was but I've hardly eaten today because I'm frightened of starting it off again and my tummy is quite queasy with a feeling like someone has punched me in it.

Still haven't had the results of my endometrial biopsy - it was a month ago today. :scared15:

And no, it doesn't make me feel any better when the sun comes out. I think if someone was to knock on my door with a lottery cheque for £1 million, I'd say "Oh yeah, just leave it on the table over there" It wouldn't excite me at all.

07-09-16, 20:35
Hi, the lower dose maybe making a difference but not sure, i will stick with the 25mg and see if it get easier. Last year Mojo i won a grand on a scratch and i felt nothing!! where usually i would be so excited. I love winter and dark nights so for me the sun can get lost! Hope everyone else doing well.

10-09-16, 12:26
Hi Polly,
How are you getting on with the lower dose and things in general?
take care
Sxx :hugs:

10-09-16, 19:25
Hello. Much better.. sleeping better too. So fingers crossed. You ok?? X

10-09-16, 20:57
That's really good.
I think we have to try and sort out the dose that suits us best. Doctors have "guidelines" but everyone is different. If necessary (and it often is) I take 0,125mgs of clonazepam and it takes the top off my anxiety. Someone I know takes 2mgs...
Definitely needed it today, after a bad morning, got myself into a right tizz, this afternoon I went to my grandaughter's 10th. Managed to "keep smiling" for 4 hours, so not too bad. Am now knackered and off to bed.
take care

10-09-16, 21:20
Night. Sleep well. X

17-09-16, 11:43
Hi Polly,
How are you doing? I hope that as you haven't posted, things are still going well,
take care

17-09-16, 16:35
Hi Sidam, to be honest i have been doing much better but not been on cos buried my best friend on Tuesday.. i even did a speech at the church,, not sure how.. and then when i returned home from the funeral i had news that another friend of mine had past away very suddenly so a bit of a rubbish week. However yes the 25mg much better for me.. I have had so much more on my mind i havent really been thinking about me..

How are you doing?? i am back at the docs on Thurs for review so will see what happens. x

17-09-16, 19:39
I am so sorry that you have lost two friends. Be proud of yourself that you managed to speak in church, I'm proud of you.
don't really know what to say....
a bit of a rubbish week is an understatement.
take care
Sxx :hugs:

17-09-16, 20:34
How are you doing?? Ok I hope. Xx

18-09-16, 17:30
How are you doing?? Ok I hope. Xx

:weep: Not a good day today, stressed, nervous, feel sick, face/jaw/neck and head jaw numb, horrible feeling etc.etc.etc.
Been here before (too often) so will see how I go,
take care

18-09-16, 18:31
Just horrible for you. When are you next back at docs? I've got toothache from hell at dentist tomorrow. Xx

18-09-16, 18:35
How long have you been on citalopram in total Polly?

18-09-16, 19:28
I started taking citolapram on the 11th of March. Xx

18-09-16, 20:00
Hi both,
I started citalopram 20mg on the 9th of August after swopping and changing meds for 5 years. I took citalopram 14 years ago after the first depression and it seemed to work for years, so am giving it another try. Do you take anything to calm you down, I take 0,125mg clonazepam when I can't cope?.
Mojo I think we will have to be more patient and really give the medication a chance,
hang in there
take care

18-09-16, 21:19
I don't take anything else just the citolapram. Xx

21-09-16, 18:02
How are you doing now Polly? I noticed that you had deleted one of your posts due to no responses. I didn't see that post as I've not been very active on the site recently, what was it about if you don't mind me asking?

21-09-16, 18:19
Hi Mojo, im not doing right good again, My post was just basically saying that i had been to the dentist for some root canal treatment and that i had the stuff that numbs you and it was awful. one side of my face and neck and throat was completely numb.. it sent me into having a bit of anxiety attack, However i handled it well and was very proud. I came home and about 4 hours later the numbing wore off but i still felt very anxious and jittery ect.. anyways its not really left me since and that was Monday. I am hoping it just a blip.
Went docs today for a check up. She wanted to know why i was taking 25mg..i told her i felt better at that dose than the 30mg.. She said really the dose should be 20 or 40 no in between but did say if it was working for me then ok.. It was but now im doubting it.. Mind you i had the pill injection August 7th and for the last 3 week about, i have not stopped bleeding.. grrrrrr.. so could be that and also my best friend of 32 years passed away 3 week ago and another last Tuesday and i guess lots of stuff going on.. so it may just be all that.. I am trying not to let it get me down but its so annoying.. Anyway how are you doing?? are you any better?? Oh and doc said because of the time i have been taken the cit and still not 100% she recommended i change to something else.. I said let me give it another month.. She said ok!!