View Full Version : Frustrated and exhausted

05-09-16, 23:55
Hey guys. Currently on a trip away to Paris. Arrived last night and had a few glasses of wine to get me through the flight. I've had a horrific hangover and heartburn today to the point where I've had a couple of panic attacks. I'm now wide awake in the hotel room whilst my friend is fast asleep. Whilst the heartburn and the panic has subsided, I still feel very anxious as I try to close my eyes and go to sleep. I'm not entirely sure what to do as I'm absolutely exhausted and don't want to ruin this trip away with my friend! Any advice?

06-09-16, 21:31
Hi! I totally sympathise and I've had exactly the same experience (albeit with beer rather than wine and jetlagged crossing the Atlantic!). First thing to do is not beat yourself up over it, that's half the problem because the anxiety that you'll "ruin" the trip makes it ten times worse...like I say, totally totally been there!

First thing to know is that panic attacks, hangover and heartburn can't kill you (always good to remember). Also to know that in Paris there's good English-speaking healthcare should you need it (but you won't!). I often have HA so that's always a good backup thought for me.

Also know that lack of sleep can't kill you, but give yourself a break and know that disturbed sleep patterns can make anxiety worse so don't shame yourself about it. Try to think if there's ever been a night where you didn't sleep? I doubt it - just ride it out and know that you will get the sleep you need.

Finally, know that you will enjoy what you can enjoy - focus on that. If you don't feel up to it then you won't do it, but take pleasure in what you can. Don't look at what you can't do, but rather the things you can and make memories to take back with you.

I know all of that is easier said than done - but I've sat shaking with anxiety in a hotel lobby in Paris because of my anxiety and I still have fond memories of the good parts of the trip. I've been sleepless in the US and thought it would never end and that it was a wasted trip but the good bits of that are some of my favourite holiday memories. You will have a good time!!

07-09-16, 22:02
Thank you for the advice! I'm back now and feel very broken. Had a heavy night to celebrate my 30th :weep: then had to fly and felt awful. Had horrific shakes and tingles all day and felt like I was going to faint. I've just managed to get some Chinese take away in me but I now have the heartburn again. I just wanna break this spiral!

12-09-16, 20:26
Went to the docs today after having an awful turn, he diagnosed me with labrinthitis brought in from the flying. He gave me some anti nausea/dizzy medication and I've felt pretty good all day. Had a really good day today with the fiancé too and managed to do a load of shopping without the bright lights of the shops making me dizzy! Successful day! Bring on tomorrow!

12-09-16, 21:07
When you say awful turn can you describe it Jennybeth? I'm having major issue with my ears and dizziness it's made me really anxious and panicky. GP has been no use at all. Have an ENT appointment Monday which has taken me a year to get out of GP as I have multiple symptoms x

12-09-16, 21:36
I was working and sat at the computer and looking at an excel file quite closely. My office is very bright and white and my eyes went incredibly blurry and I thought the room was spinning. I left and found I could barely walk and half fainted half managed to lie down. It felt very different to a panic attack but then the panic set in after. I had a sugary drink and talked to one of my staff about absolutely nothing and it passed. My GP was great this morning and pretty much ignored me when I said it was my anxiety and got me to talk through when the attacks were happening, it was mainly when my eyes were strained, changes in light of when I bent down or over. I feel for you as it is awful! Even the pharmacist who gave me my prescription empathised with me!
I hope your appointment goes well! Xx