View Full Version : Total fed up with constant panic attacks

06-09-16, 00:55
Suffer from acute anxiety been to hosplial 5times 5ekgs bloods chest xrays all clear the symthmons of panic put me in total panic pain in heart area can't breath choking nightmare happening to anyone else rodds

06-09-16, 15:37
I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling. I get night-time panic also, and it's awful, truly is. However, the thing to remember is that anxiety is harmless - you're not going to die, you're not going to go insane from it, and your body doesn't undergo any serious or permanent damage from panic attacks.
Feel better :flowers:

06-09-16, 16:26
it does get better. panic attacks are unpleasant but not dangerous.

as you slowly lose your fear of them they happen less often.