View Full Version : Dark Thoughts and anxiety

07-09-16, 00:58
So this time last year i had a major lapse and started hvaing dark thoughts triggering anxiety or the vice versa, since then i had done well including a bout of CBT to help overcome the thoughts.
My thoughts revolve around a fear of hurting myself, specifically with a knife, and while i do not want to, the thought do re-occur when i am at home.
I am going through a change in Job and a house move has occurred recently as well. i have a reoccuring fear that this is not a dark thought now and something real, which i do not feel it is. i have a close family and good set of friends. i just fear that while i am being rational now, what if that rationality disappeared?
i guess my question is,
Beyond meditation and thought immersion are there more readily managable ways of controlling, and hopefully eradicating these thoughts.
I have thought about asking the doctor for medication, but i am not a fan of it and would like to be able to rectify this situation without, any thoughts?

07-09-16, 03:47
Hi. I think this might be a form of OCD? I know when my anxiety is at its worst, I have 'intrusive thoughts'. I found this and it may be helpful. I know for me personally two techniques that I use are thought stopping and also labelling. Hope this helps. Tracy

Here’s the thing. Our imaginations know no boundaries, so nearly everyone experiences intrusive thoughts that are rooted in violence, sex, blasphemy and beyond. For most people, these thoughts come and go. But for sufferers of OCD, these thoughts trigger debilitating anxiety. It’s not easy getting rid of the thoughts. OCD sufferers compulsively try to neutralize or disprove them. But the more they obsess, the stronger the thoughts get. The faster they come. And the more they play into their biggest fears. This leaves sufferers questioning their character and constantly seeking reassurance that they’re simply not capable of acting on their thoughts.

And so begins the never-ending cycle of obsessions and compulsions. Unlike some forms of OCD where a sufferer engages in a visual ritual (like hand washing), some OCD sufferers get stuck in their minds performing non-observable rituals over and over again. To their dismay and frustration, sufferers obsess over the meaning of their thoughts. Even worse, ill-informed therapists might request that their patients dive deeper for an understanding. The truth is, those intrusive thoughts are completely meaningless. Because the brain experiences a misfire between areas of communication, they don’t actually speak to someone’s character. Intrusive thoughts can be a totally manageable condition. With proper therapy, people with OCD can live normal, happy lives.


The path to treatment starts with you. And the proper path includes Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) therapy. ERP therapy exposes you to the thoughts, images and objects that trigger anxiety, and gives you the tools you need to prevent yourself from responding to anxiety with compulsions and rituals. When seeking professional help, we recommend you work with a behavioral psychologist with expertise in OCD and ERP therapy. You should feel empowered to ask prospective psychologists about their qualifications, expertise and experience in treating patients with OCD. If, for any reason, you can’t find a local professional in your area, Skype or phone therapy can be an equally effective means of therapeutic treatment.
Medication may also be a helpful compliment to your treatment. However, not everyone benefits from medication. According to the International OCD Foundation, about half of OCD patients taking medication stop due to side effects or other reasons. And of the OCD patients that find medication successful, they only experience a 40-60% reduction in OCD symptoms. To integrate medication into your treatment plan, we recommend finding a psychiatrist that specializes in the treatment of OCD.

08-09-16, 12:12
Well i can advise you to go to doctor trust me it helps .First a therapist will give you precious information that will help you to understand about your desease and to cure also and second can recomend you some good meds to help you out