View Full Version : Need some help.

07-09-16, 09:54
I started this medication Pristiq, today is day 4 and I'm having a hard time on it since I started... Today is the worst and I had panic attack which hasn't happened in a very long time today, and 3 rushes during my sleep. My skin is burning, im sweating, and itchy and I'm freaking out.

I've lived with major, constant anxiety for a year and a half and I really was trying to give this medication a shot. I've had bad times with lexapro and brintellix, and now this one and I'm majorly depressed. I went on the medication because I have a constant shortness of breath, muscle pain, heartburn, nasuea and i wake up every morning tense and feel horrible.

I just dont know what to do? I dont even know why im posting here. I'm just in a panic. Should I continue on the medication? People tell me it gets worse before its better but I can't take worse. I feel like im dieing on it.

07-09-16, 10:06
Hi Js1803,

I don't know your new medication, but many people on NMP have medication anxiety, and frequently report an anxiety attack soon after taking a new medication. This is particularly the case if they hoped the medication would work quickly, but also feared side-effects.

Give the med some time to work - many meds take several weeks. At the same time, accept any start-up side effects, as most eventually subside.

07-09-16, 11:53
Im worried im having an alergic reaction because of the itching and burning.

08-09-16, 09:50
I did a check and increased sweating is listed as a common side-effect of Pristiq. It's classified as a SSNRI drug, and generally these kinds of drugs typically have start-up side effects. However, they usually fade after one to two weeks, at the same time that you start to notice an improvement in mood.

Basically, you should persist if possible, and the side-effects should start to go down and your mood go up. Good luck.