View Full Version : tinnitus

11-10-04, 18:29
hi guys,
does anyone have tinnitus with their sanxiety and if they do how do u stop it, its driving me insane.

11-10-04, 18:42

Have you seen a doc about it atall?

They can refer you to a ENT specialist I believe.


11-10-04, 18:48
hi, nic,

my doctor has referred me there but it might not be for another 6 months.

11-10-04, 20:46
hey there-
I have strange things happen in my ears when I have anxiety... Its not really a ringing... more like a vibration... and it also drives me nuts. I went to an ENT, and he had nothing really to say, except to ignore it. Basically, I try to ignore it... but i also plug my ear with my finger when it happens, and sometimes it stops for a little. But the important thing is to not let it make you more anxious... I hope it gets better for you. Also, I notice I have a lot more when im overtired, or at night... be well

12-10-04, 15:02

NO WAY 6 MONTHS!!! i was referred to a doc (about tonsils) in a week but 6 months is too much

also can someone explain to me what tinnitus is?

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

12-10-04, 18:33
tinnitus is a constant ringing of the ears. They feel blocked also.

12-10-04, 19:24
Hi Castella

Like Heidi I get the vibration thing, more like a knocking sound and its worse on the side I lie on at night. Its really annoying but I try my best to ignore it and usually sleep ends up getting the better of me...

Sorry to hear your wait to see the specialist is going to take so long, maybe trying some relaxation exercises might help you to cope with it a little better in the meantime?

Best wishes, Jo xx

13-10-04, 18:13
HI ,

You could discuss it with a Hopi ear candle practicioner . They can often help you along and diminish the symptoms


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.