View Full Version : Doctors tomorrow, feeling very afraid.

07-09-16, 12:33
Hey there!

I'm going down to the doctors tomorrow to explain how my anxiety and depression have gotten a 100% worse. I'm worried they will section me, I don't know why they would but I have an awful feeling.

My symtoms have gotten so bad since the birth of my daughter six months ago, I'm not sleeping, I'm irritable and constantly worrying about something stupid. My moods are high and low, one minute I'm ready to face the world, the next I want to die.

I don't feel like myself, I feel crazy and it terrifies me. Can someone comfort me in saying they won't slam me in a crazy hospital for people like me haha! ?

07-09-16, 12:39
Can someone comfort me in saying they won't slam me in a crazy hospital for people like me haha! ?

Because you're totally aware it's happening. If you were truly psychotic, you wouldn't recognize your feelings and behaviors as being abnormal.

Positive thoughts

07-09-16, 13:00
Hi! I don't think they will put you in the hospital. i think your stressed and your exhausted and that is why you are feeling a little all over the place. Doctors are there to help you and I am positive they will do that. Your high anxiety may be leading you to feel overwhelmed. They may give you some medication to reduce your anxiety in the short term and give you a rest and then you can start to work on some other techniques to deal with your anxiety and depression. You may have post natal depression, so your hormones probably are adding to your feelings. You will be okay. Try to relax and if that isn't possible, try some distraction. Watch a movie, listen to some music or if you have family, maybe someone could stay with you until your appointment. You will be okay. Don't think too much ahead. Just get through today. Tracy xx

07-09-16, 13:34
Hey there!

I'm going down to the doctors tomorrow to explain how my anxiety and depression have gotten a 100% worse. I'm worried they will section me, I don't know why they would but I have an awful feeling.

My symtoms have gotten so bad since the birth of my daughter six months ago, I'm not sleeping, I'm irritable and constantly worrying about something stupid. My moods are high and low, one minute I'm ready to face the world, the next I want to die.

I don't feel like myself, I feel crazy and it terrifies me. Can someone comfort me in saying they won't slam me in a crazy hospital for people like me haha! ?

Hi :)

I sort of know how you feel. My moods are the same! It's completely normal to be scared and nervous about going to the doctors. I'm always the same. When I went recently as my symptons have been getting worse I literally broke down and cryed my eyes out the entire appointment! which was rather embarrassing. What you need to keep in mind is that doctors are there to help you. Is there anyone you can take with you for support? Another good method is to write down all your symptons and how you feel on a piece of paper and if you have any questions. Then if your feeling anxious then you can simply hand the doctor the piece of paper. By going to the doctors you're taking your first step towards recovery.

All the best.

07-09-16, 16:32
I see from your speacb that you are totaly terified and you give more energy to this negative things .Try as much as you can to avoid thknking

07-09-16, 17:30
They not going to put you in hospital, they might send you to a psychologist, but that is nothing to be afraid of.:)

07-09-16, 19:41
You may be suffering from post natal depression. This is fairly usual and something the doctor can def help with. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

07-09-16, 22:07
Hi , I thought the same thing four years ago after a bad reaction to meds , I was convinced they'd lock me in the looney bin , it didn't happen , they don't have the beds for one , if they think you are a danger to yourself they will put you on to the crisis team and they will come and see you until you are in a better state of mind they will also send a psyche doc to see you , I'm guessing you are tired out mentally and physically is their anyone to help you get some rest and sleep ? , I have a couple of mates who have been sectioned and they realy did flip out before it happened , hope you get the help you need , take care .