View Full Version : Is this acid reflux?

07-09-16, 13:27
Everytime I burp I get a little stabby pain on my right side. Just under my breast way to the right. It doesn't hurt unless I burp and it's weird. I'm on day 2 of new vitamins and that's about when the pain started. I'm wondering if it's my body adjusting to the new meds or could it be a new sign of acid reflux?

07-09-16, 14:36
Hey there,

I had a very similar pain/sensation in the EXACT same location only I got it when swallowing food and drinks, even water would trigger it and it would only last a second. I suffered for 3 weeks panicking that it was something serious and when I finally spoke to someone about it they said - yep, definitely acid reflux.

I dismissed it initially thinking the location was too high (under my right breast) but sure enough after changing my diet to really plain foods for a couple of weeks and taking Zantac I noticed it disappeared within 3 days.

Hope the same works for you!

---------- Post added at 14:36 ---------- Previous post was at 14:35 ----------

I should also add the acidic content of the vitamins might be a contributing factor. Mine started after drinking a carton of orange juice - I only realised this was the trigger weeks later!

07-09-16, 14:45
Thanks for the reply. Im hoping that is all that is is but since I wrote that post I have been focusing on it and now it hurts around to my back too. I seriously hate feeling like this. I can't help but this it's something way worse then acid reflu.

07-09-16, 15:02
If it helps - my experience was exactly the same. The more I "tested" it (i.e swallowing, or in your case burping) the more it hurt, which makes sense if there's a bit of acid splashing up on each occasion then it's logical that it'll feel worse the more you do it.

Try switching up your diet for a few days to really plain, non-acidic foods and give it a few days and see how it goes :) (this is much harder than it sounds, acids are in practically EVERYTHING!)

07-09-16, 15:05
Shouldn't acid reflux be worse on the left side? I think that is what has me hung up. I'm going to try to take a cat nap and reset my brain. Maybe my body just needs a week to adjust to the new vitamins

07-09-16, 15:12
Not necessarily, mine sounds like it was in the exact same position as yours - I got it over a year ago and it hung around for about a month before I took action (diet change + Zantac) to get rid of it.

To describe the location of mine it was like if you traced down from the centre of your chest where your collarbone begins, go down about 15cm then move to the right about 5cm. Sometimes it felt like it was as far across as 10cm but it really came and went so fast that it was hard to pinpoint.

08-09-16, 15:11
I made the mistake and googled. It says gallbladder problem!!!! Right now it's a dull pain in the right center of my back and when I burp( which seems to be more frequent) I hurts more. I'm going to try not taking my vitamin tonight and hope to god the pain easier up tomorrow. It doesn't constantly hurt but it hurts more then it doesn't if that makes any sense. The pain now feels like a warm spot on my back like there is a heating pad on it even tho there isn't

08-09-16, 15:40
Ignore Dr Google and listen to anonandafraid. She (I assume she's a she, sorry if I'm wrong) has had this before and is giving you advise to remedy it. Remember it might take a few days.

08-09-16, 15:49
Thanks. I just re read the comments and it really does sound the same and she/he makes good points. I come from a family of obsessive worriers so it's hard to not do it sometimes

08-09-16, 18:48
Heartburn from acid reflux is typically described as being "behind the breastbone," that is in the middle of the chest, but you may feel it a bit to the left or right. Or/and in the throat.