View Full Version : Realization

07-09-16, 14:03
So I just posted the beginning of this week about a migraine I had. Typically I am able to calm my HA but that really knocked me back.

Until yesterday.

I was washing dishes trying to distract myself and I looked out the window at the trees and sky and thought to myself "this is the only life I have, there is nothing I can do to change that I get migraines, why do I want to spend my only life worrying about them".

For some reason, I have never thought this simple thought before and it was almost like a revelation. Whenever I feel the HA bug creep into my mind I have been repeating this to myself over and over. If I get a migraine, if I get the big C, if I break my ankle again (which I did this spring) there is nothing I can do to change it and I will deal anyway.

Just thought I'd share :)

07-09-16, 14:30
Its a good thought. i try and use that myself with my phobia.

I've already wasted enough time worrying about things that haven't happened and I'll deal with if they do.

Sometimes I can't quite make myself believe the thought but I believe if i keep trying with it i'll start to really believe it 100%.

It's a theory.