View Full Version : Shaking

26-03-07, 00:42
Hiya everyone,

Was just wondering if anybody else gets the uncontrolable shaking thing happen to them and if so - how do you stop it??

I'm sat at my computer now, shaking and don't know how to stop it!!

I have got loads of different stressful things going on at the moment which is why I am like this! At least it isnt a full blown panic attack though - just the tense muscles, silly shaking and wibbely tummy!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!:winks:

I have to get up early in the morning for work and already it is 12.40 and I really don't know if I am going to get to sleep because thoughts are just going round and round in my head which is causing me to shake!!

Sorry for moaning and thanks for any advice - hope your all ok and had a good weekend.


DShell x

26-03-07, 09:38
Yes, I've had that, the only way is to relax, easier said than done I know.
Try slowing down your breathing and doing the more out than in thing, don't worry about an actual number as long as you breathe out more than in. It really helps.
Also, you could try tensing and releasing each part of your body in turn, start at your feet and work up to your head, tense each bit, then let it go, till you are all still.
Hope this helps.

26-03-07, 10:44

I get that at the end of a really bad panic attack most usually if I have been in the car or sitting at my desk. It's the adrinaline going round your body and if you are sitting still it has no where to go. Try going for a brisk walk (around the office or out side if poss) and then sit down and deep breath.