View Full Version : pins and needles

07-09-16, 20:22
I have pins and needles on and off on left side - face, hand and foot.
very scared I'm going to have a stroke.
Had this quite a few years ago and it was diagnosed as stress.Has anyone had this...

07-09-16, 20:53
funny you should say that i have it right now.

Had it a quiet a few times since my anxiety issues started.

07-09-16, 21:05
Do you get it on one side, it's always my left

07-09-16, 21:07
Tingling on one side of the body is common in anxiety.

Stroke doesn't come out of nothing. You need to have some underlying disorder, such as hardened arteries (atherosclerosis (http://www.hxbenefit.com/atherosclerosis-hardening-and-narrowing-of-the-arteries.html)).

08-09-16, 18:03
Anyone else get this it's so scary, have it in my leg and face left side at the moment !

08-09-16, 18:11
I have this, when it first got it I got into a huge panic which only made it worse. Now I know it's nothing to worry about it only lasts an hour or so, but when I was panicking it lasted for weeks, and seemed too "real" to be anxiety, but lots of tests showed nothing wrong with me.

08-09-16, 18:45
pb, if you have more tingling than usually, please go to the doctor.