View Full Version : Can't deal with this constant shallow breathing

08-09-16, 03:59
The shallow breathing is there all day everyday. I went to the emergency room twice in a month. First time got tested for blood clot they took the ddimer which i posted here a month ago it was pretty elevated but still to this day do not know why. The doctor say it can be caused by a bruise, pregnancy, not just a blood clot. Inflammation can cause it and I do suffer from dysmenorrhea which is intense menstural cycles involving vommiting, not being able to walk, etc. so I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it. After it was elevated I got 2 ekgs, chest X-ray, a ct scan with contrast all were fine. 2 days later they re tested the ddimer and it was negative. I am still getting intense shortness of breathe over a month later all the time and I have a hard time believing anxiety can cause this 24/7. I do notice myself breathing through my chest and not so much my diaphragm. I do deal with GERD so I'm thinking it could be a hiatal hernia but I don't really get any abdominal pain my oxygen levels have been fine at first it went down to 93 but the doctor said it can be caused by my nail polish and that It was 98-100 for most of the time so they think it's fine. I just feel so hopeless anyone else had to deal with this all day everyday?? Its to the point I can't even exercise anymore because i am so short of breathe before i even start. I'm 18, don't smoke, the doctors can't find anything but I'm struggling.

08-09-16, 07:09
I have had this for a year and a half. I take a lot of deep breathes because it feels like I can't get a good enough breath... I also have GERD. I recently had a test to see if I had a hatial hernia.. and the results came back normal. Soooo, its anxiety for me.. I don't feel out of breath when I exercise though.

Try some breathing exercises and practice them for 30 minutes a day.

Anyway, I know how you feel. I hope you find a way to ease your symptoms.

08-09-16, 10:59
Breathlessness is NOT a symptom of blood clots , I have had three DVT' s believe me you know when you have one!! It sounds to me that you are overthinking about your breathing, if there was any thing at all wrong with your breathing/ respiratory system you would be getting other symptoms. Sometimes we need to just accept its anxiety and deal with that rather than taking a square puzzle piece and trying to make it fit into a round puzzle hole.
Good luck x