View Full Version : Food Supplements

08-09-16, 07:57
Hello all, I'd like to add a thing with Natural Remedies methods related to the mentality/mood health, that most doctors never or do not want to ask their patients about their diet/food lifestyle, even those doctors know that some mental illness comes from vitamin/mineral deficiencies. Most doctors start with giving drugs at the first visit of any patient, so in my humble opinion most simple issues like depression/mood swinging or even symptoms of many mental/body illness might be cured by food supplements, but not randomly, means the patient have to know how to balance the supplements to improve his/her healthy lifestyle, for example recently a lot of researcher found out that magnesium is helpful in depression in general, also they found that zinc improves mood and cures some social anxiety and fears and other things, still the researchers found out the the iron most be lower than the zinc in the blood in order to achieve the wanted results. Finally, as I suggest that once your body is healthy and toxic free, automatically your mental activities get improved and cured.

Personally, I suggest these food supplements
Omega 3-6-9
Zinc (Picolinate or Orotate)
B Complex + Vitamin C + Vitamin E

Try to avoid multivitamins supplements.

Most of the time you cant tell how much Iron you got daily, so the better way is to increase Zinc over iron.

Avoid fried food, avoid all oil except oil of olive/sesame/coconut. Avoid fast foods, avoid processed meat/foods. Avoid potato chips no matter what they say about it. No any commercial food factory/restaurant care about your health, they are going to use cheap unhealthy oil to fry/make their food. Avoid refined sugar at all.

Best of luck

PS. Food supplements could ease/help with the withdrawal symptoms when you decide to cut off your psycho-medicines.

12-09-16, 22:53
Just out of curiosity have you ever heard of too much Vitamin B complex + B12 causing anxiety/ depression to worsen? The reason I ask is im vegetarian and therefore I have taken supplements on and off for the last few years. A few days ago I took a new B complex and a magnesium supplement (a higher mg in each B vitamin). I noticed I slept better at night (I believe the magnesium) but I noticed my anxiety and depression were much worse.

I am studying an animal science degree so I have a little bit of knowledge of vitamins and minerals but i still don't know if I have a deficiency or they're actually helping. Insightful post thought :)