View Full Version : Itchy legs eczema

08-09-16, 11:19
After suffering this most night times , thinking I had cancer...I have now a great cure, put a cup of porridge oats ( natural not flavoured) into a stocking and tye the leg. Put it into the bath when you get into the bath wash with it using it as a sponge, don't use bubble bath or soap. It's anti inflamitory and moisturising, it has also cleared up my daughters eczema!!
Use a fresh one for each bath!!
Hop this helps some one x

Captain irrational
08-09-16, 17:58
I often get seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp so I'll be sure to give this a try next time I get a flare up. Wonder if it works for mosquito bites too? I'm getting eaten alive at the moment.

08-09-16, 18:53
It's worth a try, unless you have a oat allergy it can't do any harm, good luck x