View Full Version : Cystitis symptoms , Can this be anxiety related?

08-09-16, 12:10
Hi everyone, I really really need some help here. I have had these symptoms before but not for many years. I have cystitis symptoms, really bad. I say really bad, but for me everything is really bad! It started at the weekend after a long period of severe stress and anxiety with many full blown panic attacks. It began with a bit of tenderness in the general area and I remember thinking, well at least I dont need to pee all the time like i did before......then literally I woke up the next day with full blown bladder symptoms, urinating all the time, stinging sometimes, not on urination, but just randomly. A feeling of pressure and like I will pee myself, that really will be the end of me! tingling, irritation on the outside and inside, just as if it were infection. Even lower back pain, but I get that anyway. I have other gyn problems going on, but now I am so convinved I have cancer, ovarian bowel or bladder, whatever, something down there causing the pressure and symptoms. Went to the nurse this am to be told urine normal apart from a question mark over lukocytes maybe changeing colour a tiny bit. I totally broke down there and she was lovely, but was more concerned about my mental health than my cancer fears. So my anxiety continues over these weird symptoms. Usually they disappear ovenight and I sleep ok, when I wake they are not there but gradually creep back in after 30 mins or so of waking.

Please any help or reassurance, has anyone had this before and could anxiety possibly do this to someone? I feel like I am killing myself slowly. I am totally non functioning at the moment, have no life at all and am sure this is the last straw for me. The nurse asked me if I was suicidal, I said ni, but did admit that there does seem to be only one way out of this horror. Thanks guys.

08-09-16, 13:29
I went through something very similar back at the end of 2013. Its actually what really set off my health anxiety. One evening I had all the symptoms of your typical UTI except that it wasn't as intense as the ones I've had in the past so I didn't rush off to the doctor. I waited 4 days before going in because it was very mild. Just had the feeling of needing to go when I really didn't. Finally, I went to see my Dr. and the dip test was completely clear. She gave me antibiotics anyway just incase it was a mild infection. I took them, felt no better. That is when my panic really set in. I started googling what could cause these symptoms. I had the symptoms on and off for about 8 months and I was scared over them. In the summer of 2014, I was searching around on google about urinating issues and came across how anxiety and repressed emotions can cause things like that. I further researched and realized how right it all was. I started journaling and focusing on relaxation. Within a couple of weeks the symptoms completely disappeared. Every now and then they'll pop back up when I'm really stressed. It actually happened earlier in August while on vacation. I always get anxious about being far from home and I think it triggered them again. Once we returned home, I was fine. Feel free to PM me if you want. I so understand how you feel. *hugs*

08-09-16, 16:16
Thank you so much for replying Leslie. I had the same thing about 9 years ago while on holiday in florida! It also started this whole horror story of health anxiety. I overcame it then and havent really worried about it since, even if i had some weird feelings. I just felt I could deal with it because it was familiar. However this time it has really messed with my head. The feelinbgs are intense, but not extremely painful if you know what i mean, a variety of feelings from intense need to go to almost peeing myself when walking.....all sorts inbetween too. I havent found much info online about anxiety and cystitis like symptoms, maybe i havent researched well enough. I never get past the bladder cancer and interstitial cystitis pages! I think if i could rule out the big C I could get my act together and overcome it. Trouble is doctors appointments and tests will cause me even more anxiety and so on..... Glad you overcame it. Well done. I have some diazepam which I think i will have to take. I have to get myself to come down a bit. xx

08-09-16, 17:53
Jessieblue: I could've written your post word for word when I went through what you are right now. I didn't necessarily worry about the bladder cancer part but the interstitial cystitis, YES! That is what my fear was over. I was terrified of being plagued with that. The forums were so grim. I seriously fretted over that for a solid 8 months.I even took myself off certain foods/drinks to see if it helped like the people on the forums suggested if you have it. It was a good way to lose weight. ;) ;) It was terrible! Boy can I relate!

This is what really helped me. TMS (Mind Body syndrome).



ps I'm from Florida. ;)