View Full Version : Stick with what you know!

08-09-16, 16:18
Hi all!

You probably all know my story, long term cit user recently had relapse and a dr changed my dose 6 times in 8 weeks. I had constant side effects and my anxiety was horrific. Anyway I still don't feel right so I've been tapering down the dose with the view to a switch.

What I've noticed is coming down the dose has actually helped so it supports what I felt, that I was on too high a dose. Although I'm less anxious than I was I still feel really low (I suffer from depression) and emotional so I still think I need to change.

I suppose my point is if you can't tolerate a dose be firm with your dr, I was desperate to feel better so did whatever dr doom said even though I had been on a maximum of 30mg and it had worked before. It's made everything much worse and added a lot of suffering so question everything if you need to, it's your body. Just because 40mg is where the research has been done at doesn't mean that a lower dose isn't right for you.

09-09-16, 06:41
I suffer with anxiety and a about 5 months ago went onto cit 10mgs and it has helped me loads of got all the side effects including intrusive thoughts about suicide which was the worst ever. Now I'm doing loads better still have my moments but the thoughts are no where near as bad and I can sometimes pass them off but when I'm stressed it's not so easy lol. Don't listen to your doctor do Wat u feel is best for you and take the dose you feel comfortable on
Take care xx