View Full Version : Worried about asbestos

08-09-16, 19:00
I'm currently living in a condo that was built in the early 1970s. The place has what I guess, after comparing it to pictures from google, would be called a stippled ceiling. I'm worried about the possibility of it containing asbestos, especially since there are some places where the paint has started to peel, particularly around the vents. It doesn't really seem to be crumbling or anything, but I'm worried about the possibility of breathing in asbestos fibers that were potentially set airborne due to being disturbed by the air conditioner or something. My husband's convinced I'm worrying too much, so there's no way he's going to agree to get a sample sent in for testing to determine whether or not the ceiling does have asbestos in it.

On a related note, my father-in-law is an hvac mechanic, which from my understanding, could result in him being exposed to asbestos. I'm worried that, as a child, my husband could have been exposed to asbestos fibers that were carried home on his dad's clothes.

Does anyone know if the children of workers in such professions are significantly at risk for asbestos-related diseases? I wouldn't expect him to have had too much exposure, since his mom washed his dad's work clothes separately, and it's not even a guarantee that his dad would regularly have come into contact with asbestos, but I'm still a bit worried. I kind of want to ask my father-in-law if he knows anything about the matter, but I'm about too embarrassed to actually say anything, given that my in-laws don't quite know the extent of my anxiety.