View Full Version : New job worry

08-09-16, 19:02
Hi, its been a very long time since I used this site after having a lot of health stress and worry, after getting through so much on my health I was like a new person but now I'm due to start a new job and I'm so anxious and scared I've never felt this bad before about a new job and feel like my family and partner dont understand me.

Basically I was in my last job which I loved for 5 years then I was made redundant and I was devastated. Ive had a massive struggle for money and paying bills whilst out of work and was happy to be offered a new role. I'm due to start very soon and went for an induction but now ive never felt so scared and anxious, I cant sleep and panic just thinking about it. The new office was massive and I was so lost being taken round then it turns out I'm meant to do some accounts work which was never mentioned and my maths skills are awful. There was so many staff too and my last role I was on my own a lot which I loved. Ive started looking at other jobs as I'm now in such a panic that I've made a terrible mistake and I'm really going to struggle.

I tried to tell my fears to my family and partner but they just say you will be fine and they are so relaxed about new situations they don't understand why I'm so scared.

Not sure if anyone has any advice. I just want to stay home and tell the new employer ive changed my mind. Thanks for any help x

08-09-16, 20:28
Why not try and give it a go. Say for a week. If it's really awful then you can leave. A new job is stressful for anyone but maybe just try it :)

08-09-16, 22:52
Hi, its been a very long time since I used this site after having a lot of health stress and worry, after getting through so much on my health I was like a new person but now I'm due to start a new job and I'm so anxious and scared I've never felt this bad before about a new job and feel like my family and partner dont understand me.

Basically I was in my last job which I loved for 5 years then I was made redundant and I was devastated. Ive had a massive struggle for money and paying bills whilst out of work and was happy to be offered a new role. I'm due to start very soon and went for an induction but now ive never felt so scared and anxious, I cant sleep and panic just thinking about it. The new office was massive and I was so lost being taken round then it turns out I'm meant to do some accounts work which was never mentioned and my maths skills are awful. There was so many staff too and my last role I was on my own a lot which I loved. Ive started looking at other jobs as I'm now in such a panic that I've made a terrible mistake and I'm really going to struggle.

I tried to tell my fears to my family and partner but they just say you will be fine and they are so relaxed about new situations they don't understand why I'm so scared.

Not sure if anyone has any advice. I just want to stay home and tell the new employer ive changed my mind. Thanks for any help x

Hi :)

I've been in a similar situation. When I started a new job a few years ago my anxiety went through the roof. I was crying all the time and was so scared! The morning I was due to start work I was a wreck but I pushed myself through it (I needed the money). I wanted to stay at home and cry as my anxiety was so bad. However I found that once I had been at the place a few days my anxiety became less and less until it was gone within a few weeks.

Starting a new job is always nerve wracking for people who don't have anxiety, let alone anyone with anxiety! so your feelings are totally normal. Change can always be challenging for anxious people and you may find yourself questioning why did I accept this job? am I going to be able to cope? This job will give you money! I've never been good in new situations as I always make them worse out what they actually are.

You won't be expected to go into the job and know everything I presume you will have training. My Maths skills are beyond terrible and I manage to do a bit of accounts work in my current job so I'm sure you will be fine. I went from working in a small office into a large office and in time I was able to cope. Try and take it one task at a time during the day. Unfortunately sometimes you have to give things a chance. When the anxiety and panic sets in try and do deep breathing or maybe distract yourself. If the job is to much you can always leave as no job is worth being ill over it! :)

09-09-16, 09:05
Hi, thanks for your responses, really appreciate it. Comforting to find people know exactly how I'm feeling.

Think the longer I wait to start (still waiting on dbs and references at mo) the more my anxiety kicks in, I thought going in for induction would help but that's made me panic even more, the building itself even made me panic its so complicated to find your way round!

I'm feeling just like you've described and my maths panic is crazy, I always worry someone will ask me something to work out quick because I'm meant to look after petty cash and I always get in a muddle and need a calculator! Ive got training on accounts system but my brain just doesn't work that way.

I will try and keep calm and get through it like you say and maybe keep looking at other jobs too which might be in smaller places and not so many staff. Think panic is through the roof because my last job there was just 2 of us at the most in the office which was amazing for an anxious person helped me so much.

I'm feeling bit ill now just thinking of starting but trying to keep calm. Thanks :) for your kind words x

09-09-16, 09:55
Hi Hcarterb,

For maths skills, everyone needs a calculator these days. They probably wouldn't trust you if you did a calculation in your head! Good luck in the new job - I'm sure you'll do fine.

09-09-16, 13:10
Hi, thanks that made me smile about expecting people to use a calculator. Just had email from company saying they want me to start next Thursday so at least its just two days to start me off.

Really does help having people who understand on here, my other half is exact opposite of me doesn't worry or have nerves about meeting people and laughs at me when I say I'm scared the building is so big I will get lost. I'm also worried because its a children's centre for young people with behaviour issues so I'm really concerned how il interact with them. Just wish I could find a work from home job! x

09-09-16, 14:06
Actually Hansgan is absolutely right; my wife works in accounts and you are expected to use a calculator no matter how good your mental arithmetic is.

It'll take a little time to get your head around the layout, but it is just a case of getting familar with it. Obviously it is daunting at first, but once you settle in you'll be fine; I'm sure.