View Full Version : Worst skin cancer anxiety!

08-09-16, 21:37
I'm terrible with skin cancer! I'm 16, don't think I've had serious sunburn and no immediate relatives have it. I have some moles, not loads but they all look weird to me in some way. I have two I'm most scared about, one on my upper arm that seems a bit blurry at the edges, and one on my back that's raised in the middle. I can't stop thinking about it but I don't want to talk to my parents about this. I'm going to monitor them for changes but I'm not sure it's the right thing to do. I can't get to the GP without telling a parent but I'm scared to. Help :(

09-09-16, 04:00
Hi unicorn

We're not doctors on this site, and even if we were we'd have to actually see your moles. You don't have to tell your parents to get to the doctor, and if you do, just lie and come up with something you think is less embarrassing.

This is the second time you've posted about skin cancer that I know about. Other than suggesting you go to the doctor what do you think is going to be the advice?

You're very young, dare I say it still a child. There are services you can access. The chances of you being seriously ill are infinitesimal. You need to deal with this health anxiety before it takes over and ruins what should be a carefree time in your life.

Get it checked out and have your worries gone!