View Full Version : Lymph node worries.

09-09-16, 00:16
Im going to try to explain the positioning of this 'lymph node' as carefully as possible, if you bend your head upwards and feel underneath your earlobe and kind of opposite to your jaw, can you feel a large hard mass that feels like a bone?

It's kind of spherical in shape and stretches up towards to the mastitoid bone and also seems to connect to the jaw in some way. Anyway, that's my latest source of health anxiety.

Naturally Google would inform me that it is a lymph node, but it feels almost too big and unlike other lymph nodes. I know it is highly likely that I am being stupid, but this mass has convinced me I have lymphoma, regardless of the lack of any other common lymphoma symptoms besides fatigue. I've pressed and prodded on it enough for it to feel noticeably swollen at all times and also at times painful.

My question is, can anyone else feel this, because even though my mum, brother and friends say they can, I can't kick the idea that I have something different to them.

27-09-16, 14:45

I know you posted this a few weeks back - I recently posted something similar.

I too feel something in a very similar location, from the sounds of it. The location of where I feel this is about 2 cm below the ear lobe.

When I dig around on the left side of my neck, I can feel something quite hard like a nob almost, and beneath the muscle. I can feel it on both sides of the muscle that runs down my neck.

Naturally, I Googled this (I've no other physical symptoms aside from what I feel) and have convinced myself it's lymphoma.

I have felt this for a year now and will probably visit a doctor soon. Any progress on your end? Mine hasn't enlarged at all, at least not noticeably.