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View Full Version : Throat pain: the adventures of if its not one thing its the other...

09-09-16, 16:48
So I have been doing pretty good with my fear of lung cancer as of late, and have not had any panic attacks. Was pretty convinced that my cough is allergy related when it basically vanished when I left state for vacation and it came back when I arrived back home. But now I am having throat pain.

Has anyone ever had just a pain in one side of the throat before? There is something sore in my throat on the right side, not like a traditional sore throat like it hurts when I swallow, because it doesn't. I can't feel any swollen lymph nodes, but I don't want to keep feeling because then they might become swollen. My tonsils don't look swollen or excessively red, and I don't have a cold or flu. I don't know if it is tonsilittis, I don't have white spots on them either. Would allergies sometimes cause this?