View Full Version : Anxious all the time

10-09-16, 16:21
Hi all, I am new on here and looking for some support to get me through life. I have had a very difficult life filled with trauma and neglect, not through any fault of my own. As an adult I married my teenage sweetheart and we had lots of good years together. This did not last as my now ex husband became a liar, manipulator and a very controlling abusive bully. He subjected me to some very serious psychological abuse not to mention financial. I have had a very stressful divorce, he paid nothing and has never contacted his now teen sons. The point is that because of his lies about financial matters and dealing with solicitors and courts I now have anxiety all the time.He even sent in the bailiffs and his creditors to take everything from me. Because of the outcome of my divorce he still could take my home. Its complicated.Every letter that comes through my door makes me feel ill, if its an official one then I go in to melt down to the point of nearly fainting. I feel that I can't take any more stress in my life. My job is also highly stressful. Life is too stressful. I am just too exhausted most of the time to fight. No one would believe me if I said I am anxious about the postman bringing post, they would laugh.

10-09-16, 16:50
I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time. We're all here to support you. Have you been to see your doctor?

10-09-16, 17:04
No I haven't been to the doctors as I always feel fobbed off when I go. I don't have very much faith in doctors. It would take a very lot longer than 5mins to get through my problems. I have been for counselling only had six sessions and to be honest the counsellor looked bored to tears. Plus the fact I don't want to be laughed at because I have anxiety about the post.

10-09-16, 19:29
Hi :) I'm sorry to hear that you feel that you've been fobbed off by doctors, but see if you could try another gp, as a little medication could help you. As for the counselling, if you're not happy with the counsellor could you try another one? I know when I used to see a support worker, she always had a kind of bored/poker face, so maybe that's how their sympathetic faces look?! It would be good for you to see a therapist who could talk to you about the things that have affected you in the past to help you to move on from that.
No one's going to laugh at you on here, as we're all in the same boat and understand how it feels :) Is there anything you could do to change your job as well? A stressful job is not going to be good for you right now, so maybe look for a easier one?

Hope this helps :hugs:

10-09-16, 21:08
I really hope you feel better.

10-09-16, 22:08
Hi , been through a lot myself the past few years and at one time me and my partner were both afraid of the post , the house phone ringing and a knock at the door , it came from her sister who had a big fall out with us , she decided to take revenge a while later and told a pack of lies that nearly ended up with us in court , it took over a year to sort out and made us nervous wrecks , every time the letter box went or the phone we would think the worst it could only be more bad news , it was eventually sorted out and our solicitor let us know it could only have been her sister who did it , it's been a while now but we got into the habit of expecting the worst and it's a hard habit to break , no one wil think you are crazy and if you explain to the docs you need more time they can arrange apointments at quite times to give you longer , take care .

12-09-16, 05:21
Well you must stop this stress in your life because you will get very anxious .Your ex husband afect you a lot and you should not let him be more drastic with him and not let him to make your life a hell .Also try to find a counselor or a therapist it will help you a out a lot