View Full Version : Panic attacks

11-09-16, 13:02
Hello I am new here, I thank you you in advance for reading this.

I dont really know where to start as this is all new to me :(...I am a happy out going person, with a lovely family and only really have the usual worries in life (like bills etc). I like to have a drink at weekends but 2 weeks ago I decided to stop drinking, its been much harder on me than I thought, I am 36, healthy (as far as I know) and enjoy life.

For the passed two/three weeks I have starting feeling really groggy, keep getting hot and cold sweats, a really foggy head (almost all the time), I wake up feeling crap, I feel sick, I just generally feel as though my body is not mine and its scaring me, I feel like I cant think straight. I try to stay busy with work and my 8 year old son, but sometimes I cant remember what I did 2 hours ago or how I got to where I am now, its really really scaring me. I hate this feeling and I feel like I want to cry.

What made me google today and find this site was, I was just out food shopping and as I was waiting in the queue to pay i had this huge rush come over me and felt like my colour was draining from me and that I was going to pass out, I felt like I was not in my surrounding, I was going to leave my shopping and get out of the shop but I didnt, I just let the feeling pass, but it was horrible, so so scrary...I thought everyone was looking at me...my heart was racing and i went all sweaty, it did pass and I am still alive :)....I feel completely drained now and want to sleep and my foggy head is still here not leaving me alone :(

Really I guess I am just wondering if anyone else feels this way and what I can do to make it go away, I just want to feel "normal" and aware of my surroundings.......its really horrible, I feel like I am just existing at the moment and I have no idea why this is happening...Sorry if this makes no sense, I am just typing as I think :( xx

Thank you for reading this

Jodie xx

11-09-16, 21:29
Serious question, if you only drink at weekends, why did you feel the need to stop? And why has it been harder than expected?

It sounds as if you are slowly getting stuck in a cycle of panic. Every small thing gets stacked up until its a big pile of Jenga blocks, then it all falls over at once.

When you get stuck in a cycle of panic, your brain actively looks for threats, and starts to see them where they don't exist.

Keep it simple. Go to the doctor, explain the situation. Get a blood test to check your levels. Reset.

11-09-16, 23:47
Hi Jodie. It sounds like a panic attack. The foggy head could be anxiety. It is very common. If you are concerned, visit your GP, they may be able to advise you of some techniques to help deal with the anxiety and panic attacks. Know that it is just the stress hormones in your system have gone a bit hay wire. During a panic attack, you will not faint and nothing bad will happen. While your at home if you are feeling anxious, you could try some deep breathing exercises or mindfullness meditation (there are lots available to listen to on youtube). I suffer from panic attacks, mainly while driving. I am trying to use the DARE technique to overcome this. I know this sounds easy and it takes practice, but you could try this. When the panic attack happens think to yourself 'Whatever, Who Cares'. Remember during a panic attack you are just feeling nervous arousal and nothing more. If you heart is racing, you sweat, you feel faint, your thoughts race, you feel like you need to escape (none of this is going to hurt you and nothing bad will happen, you just have to ride it out). Try to accept that these are just anxious feelings and nothing more. I have suffered with panic attacks for the last few months, and I am sick of them restricting my lifestyle. It is hard, but there is a certain strength that comes from getting through a panic attack. Yes, I still get them, but I get past it and accomplish what I need to. I could have called in sick this morning, or turned around once I started driving, but I didn't, I rode out the panic and then it left me and I continued the rest of my drive. Nothing happens, it is annoying and uncomfortable but that is it. Hope this has helped a little. You are not alone and will find a lot of friendly, helpful people on this site that will know how you are feeling. Alcohol is known for not being good for anxiety and panic, in saying that, I haven't had a drink of alcohol for 2 months and I still get anxiety and panic, so I don't think it is the alcohol that is causing this. If it was alcohol you would probably feel it especially the day after, not a couple of days after. Good luck on your journey. Tracy