View Full Version : Tooth extraction

11-09-16, 18:33
I had a lower molar tooth extracted two days ago at my local hospital. It was a large tooth so the hole is pretty big. it was packed with Surgicel material and stitched so the cavity was covered up. It looks black which assume is the blood soaked into the material.

Today it looks as the Surgicel is starting to dissolve (so soon!) and is now terrified I will be left with no clot once it gone and a dry socket which I have heard that will be very painful. It still looks black though. Also some of the gum around the cavity is white which I don't know is normal? Has anybody else had this material put into the cavity after an extraction and should it be dissolving already?

I haven't any pain at the moment and have been careful not to disturb this site having small meals and doing the salt washes after each meal.

Been trying to distract myself from worrying about it but it playing on my mind all the time.

12-09-16, 02:17
Hi Eric,

I don't know about the Surgicel material, but it seems you are being careful not to disturb the socket, which is the most important thing. It seems to be going okay, so assume the best, not the worst (always hard for anxiety sufferers).

12-09-16, 22:20
Its got to the point that I'm checking the clot in the cavity thoughout the day, before during and after a meal even when I sneezed or accidentally lightly brushed my tongue over it! It affecting my sleep as well so feeling knackered and spaced out from the worrying about it.

After a meal tonight I noticed that there was a small bit of white stuff down edge of hole and into a bit of the clot. I understand this is normal and sign of healing but dont think it was there before I had the meal? and I had pasta which had some cheese sauce in it and now worrying it might be a bit of this instead. Great idea having white food! I've washed mouth with Salt Water like you should after each meal but it still there. Reluctant to try and get it out now though as might distrub any healing if it not food but dont know if I should just leave it. Just about to goto bed probably will be worrying about it in night now! I didn't think having a tooth out would be such a stressful experience!

12-09-16, 22:32
I remember in 2006 having a tooth taken out, was carefully what I ate. I was more worried about what my dentist at the time would say to me at my next appointment. As this dentist who took the tooth out also worked at the practice

I dont remember any material being put in my mouth having a tooth taken out, even some of my baby teeth when I was nine (my first dentist at the time) knew I could not carry 32 teeth, so probably ended up with 28 includng wisdom teeth.

13-09-16, 09:09
I was terrified after having two of my teeth took out that I would end up with dry socket or an affection. You sound like you are doing everything right, however out anxious brain likes to be a bit of a d**k to us and make us fear the worst

13-09-16, 11:39
I was terrified after having two of my teeth took out that I would end up with dry socket or an affection. You sound like you are doing everything right, however out anxious brain likes to be a bit of a d**k to us and make us fear the worst

Yeah I wish I could just accept how it is and that everything will be OK. I was also told before they pulled this one out to expect other extractions in future as my teeth are very worn down so I got that in mind too!:unsure:

13-09-16, 14:20
Sounds like you are doing everything right - will be fine. What's on the tv?

13-09-16, 16:57
Sounds like you are doing everything right - will be fine. What's on the tv?

Daytime TV not that good. Evenings are a bit better..

---------- Post added at 16:57 ---------- Previous post was at 16:08 ----------

feeling spaced out again so might have a redbush tea. I have found these help. Lukewarm cuppa mind you as don't want to damage 'the hole'. Should be ok to have one the tea wont effect the healing?

14-09-16, 02:23
If you aren't feeling pain, a cup of warm tea shouldn't be a problem. Very hot drinks can (usually only temporarily) increase inflammation, in turn (temporarily) increasing any pain. Overall, won't hurt the healing.

14-09-16, 18:43
If you aren't feeling pain, a cup of warm tea shouldn't be a problem. Very hot drinks can (usually only temporarily) increase inflammation, in turn (temporarily) increasing any pain. Overall, won't hurt the healing.

Thanks. :)

15-09-16, 19:24
Still feel a bit tense about 'the hole'. Watching it like a hawk. It's day 6 and the clot has shrunk quite a lot in fact there's not much.left. Really hoping I am.outside of 'dry socket' territory.
Quite surprised how quick bits of new pink gum have been produced. I will be lot less anxious when there has been more healing and confident no dry socket.

15-09-16, 20:05
Currently going through my second dry socket. Dentist said today its so bad he can see my jaw bone.. It's agony!

15-09-16, 22:35
Currently going through my second dry socket. Dentist said today its so bad he can see my jaw bone.. It's agony!

Sorry to hear you going through all that pain and for a second time as well. I hope that the dentist manages to help with reducing the pain and it starts to subside soon.

17-09-16, 22:38
Well 11 days in from tooth extraction. Still feel very anxious about it. The gums either side of the hole seem to be closing in very slowly but the small clot is still there deep in the hole. Thought it should have at least started to see some healing in the centre of hole but all the action seems to be from the sides. Worried this not normal healing.