View Full Version : Aches post steroids

12-09-16, 06:17

Just finished (on Saturday) a five day course if steroids, taken to address a problematic wheeze, but am now feeling all achey. Bones feels 'soft' and sensitive to touch. The most depressing thing is that the wheeze has also come back!

Has anyone else felt this way after such a short course?

12-09-16, 08:08
If the wheeze has come back, the best thing is to go back and see your doctor. You can also discuss how you feel after the treatment. Good luck.

12-09-16, 08:30
Thanks for replying. Certainly the plan to go back to GP (Follow up next Monday). Have joked with the receptionist that I will be invited to their office party this Christmas as I have had so much contact with them!

12-09-16, 12:27
They can make you tired. They can also have some withdrawal effects but on such a short course that is very unlikely.

Given the wheeze is back, it could even be related to that? So, definitively one to discuss with your GP.