View Full Version : Its been 10 years but anxiety is back with a vengeance

12-09-16, 08:51
Good day all,

This site often turns up when I am using google-fu to figure out whats going on. A little about me : I was diagnosed with GAD around 10 years ago and was offered medication but refused at the time, instead opting for a CBT course. The CBT helped me understand my attacks but they were still there. A big change came when I gave up caffeine. Almost in no time my anxiety was at bay and normal life returned. I gradually got back onto caffeine but in limited amounts and always knew that if I had that morning coffee I would be in for a ride - the key difference is I knew what was coming so generally handled it very well.

Fast forward to three weeks ago..... I started getting chest pains which in turn sent my anxiety through the roof. It was so frustrating as nothing like this had been experienced for 10 years. I decided it was time to see a GP (hadn't seen one in 7 years). Had a full MOT including bloods, cholesterol, ECG, chest X-Ray, blood pressure and nothing turned up with any major concern (slight vit D deficieny, and some signs of Hyperkalemia on the ECG). Saw the GP a couple more times for follow ups and they have referred me to a cardiologist for ECG, Stress Test and Echo which is next week.The chest pains havent stopped and the anxiety that comes with it is beyond me. I have had a few serious anxiety attacks in relation to this chest pain and this weekend past needed to call an ambulance as the pain didn't go away. I am sure some of you know the drill, by the time the paramedics get there the pain is gone but the anxiety is still. After doing a few ECGs, blood sugar and talking to the paramedic I miraculously feel fine yet sheepish.

I am 36, male, average weight, eat ok-ish :winks:, chew nicotine gum but have given up all caffeine again. I am strongly leaning towards this all being anxiety again but will wait for the test results from the cardiologist.

Signed up mostly to say thank you to all users of this forum for their informative posts and more so the users who share their experiences.

12-09-16, 08:57
Hiya StampMan and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

12-09-16, 12:14
Hi StampMan,

I went through a serious episode of depression and anxiety in 2008, and NMP helped me back then too.

Caffeine induced anxiety is an actual thing, so good job on cutting that out. I reduced my caffeine intake and saw immediate benefits.

I also went gluten-free, and that helped EVEN MORE. Finally, refined sugars will make you feel lousy, so limit those too. (Unless you exercise regularly, in which case enjoy some cake.)

Chest-pains need to be checked out, but are normally nothing more serious than a muscular/rib issue.

Relax, and get it seen to.

12-09-16, 20:27
Cheers SLA,

Have the hospital appointment next week Monday so hopefully that will either show something or get me focused on sorting out the anxiety.

My diet is already pretty decent so cutting out caffeine completely has been a biggy - tomorrow its attempting to cut out the nicotine gum. So silly as I was off nicotine for three years before jumping back on the gum last year.

I know I will get there but at the same time I know its not an easy battle. :yesyes:

Its great to read experiences of people who know what anxiety is - so tired of the "what have you got to be stressed about?", "just relax!" and "whats causing it?" comments IRL.