View Full Version : Not coping, just need to let it out :-(

12-09-16, 14:45
I don't feel too good at the moment and I just don't know where else to turn to. My HA has been one thing after another lately, with each one of them being as scary as each other. I have a mole on my leg that is looking nasty and I went to a new doctor just over a week ago. She's very young and said she didn't think it was anything sinister but will refer me to a dermatologist just in case. I was able to cope with that until last night, when I just freaked out about it again. I've been checking it all day, am convinced it's getting bigger and I'm just in an awful state now. The dermatologist won't be able to see me for a long time (waiting list in this country is crazy).
Has anyone any advice on how to calm myself down and just start living my life. I'm so sick of being scared all the time. I keep getting the urge to check this mole and it's driving me crazy........
Sorry about the long post/rant :weep:

12-09-16, 14:52
Hello BrokenGirl, you are not broken! Trust me!

Moles are so common. I have hundreds of all shapes and sizes! There is no immediate cause for concern. Your doctor would have referred you for an immediate check if there was anything to worry about.

The best way to move on, and get on with your life, is to focus on something else. Is there something better you could be doing with your time than worrying? The answer is yes!

Start small. Take a break from worrying. Go for a walk and appreciate nature for 30 minutes. Start making plans of things you WOULD like to do with your life.

One problem people create for themselves is that they focus on what they do not want to happen.


As soon as you change your focus onto something positive, I guarantee you will start to feel better.

12-09-16, 21:48
I guess I never looked at it that way, and it really makes sense.
Focus on what you want to happen rather than what you don't want to happen.
I'm going to try this, even if it's just small things to start with.
I have to start changing something, I'm going to go crazy if I carry on the way I have been lately.
Thanks for the advice :)