View Full Version : Scared to death about chronic pancreatitis

12-09-16, 15:38
Hi there. New on the board and just jumping to my main fear.

For the last month I have has and still have a murderous fear that I have developed chronic pancreatitis.

Let me forst mention that I am a rabid hypocondriac aswell as being a cybercondriac, but this helath scare is worse than any previuos one mainly because CP is a disease it is extremely difficult to diagnose and misdiagnose does happen.

Abit about myself: 39 y/old male. From childhood i developed hearburn that got worse over the year and 10 years ago I was diagnosed with acid refux allowing med medicine that improved my condition considerably.

Now, earlier this year I had a fear that I might had developed colon cancer when I had all the major symptoms except bloody stool, weight loss and low blood and iron percentage.

Now lately I have discovered a recuring pain on my left side, not violent but annoying and uncomfortable which comes and go but; I feel, may be worse after eating. I had some pain on te back aswell, by the lower rib but it generally improved. At the moment I feel a burning discomfort at several places on the lower abdomen under the rib. My apetite is normal, I feel no nause or diarreah. Actually I have suffered more from constipation, but that is not a CP symptom is it? Stool colors are normal.
I read so much conflicting and contradictory information about pancreatitis which scares me stiff. Some says it is an uncommon disease, another that it is the second most common cause behind upper left side pain which I feel now and then. One night after some beers I felt a discomfort at that area; not unberable, but still uncomfortable. It lasted for a few minutes. I am really scared. My blood tests were normal, except for lack of vitamin D. Is that a symptom?
I am going to ultrasound next 2 weeks, but I read that damage to the pancrea is often missed. This is terrible and is destroying my social life. All information on the net leads me to the conclusion it is pancreatitis. The only factor that calms me a bit is that I am suffering from constipation which is not a typical panc symptom.

But what about acid reflux? Are those of us with that condition more vulnerable to pancreatitis?
People around me are telling me i am crazy; that they never heard of such things as pancreatitis. I never met anyone either, except one friend who had an acute atack some 10 years ago but recovered and never got it back.

Right now I feel a discomfort in the lower stomach mainly with some feeling of needles pooking into various part of my upper abdomen. And I forgot; I have felt pain on my back to but that has improved the last week.
And just now I read that there ARE such thing as mild pancreatitis; that a former acute patient felt mild discomfort in the stomach after he took his first beer in 25 years. So it can be mild right? Before it becomes murderous?
What do you say?

12-09-16, 16:08
I have been going through cancer fears and one of them was pancreatic cancer because my stool has been more pale than usual for a few months. I also was thinking maybe I had pancreatitis because I had diahrea for over a month and pale stool and pain in my abdomin. Anyways so I had my biannual physical in early july and asked my doctor if it was possible I had pancreatitis. He said if I had Pancreatitis I would be at the emergency room doubled over in pain, not in his office talking to him. So unless you are in excruciating pain, I feel its safe to say its not that.

The best thing for you to do is see a doctor and explain what is going on, which sounds like you already have. It might just be anxiety which causes all sorts of pain in the body. Honestly it sounds like you just have that pain from constipation. Trust me you don't poop regularly you are going to get cramps. Maybe adjust your diet. I started taking daily servings of Metamucil, and that not only has helped my diahrea it helped my cramps as well.

12-09-16, 16:21
I, too, have a dull burning pain on my left side under my ribs which is one of the major reasons I am now involved with this forum. Chronic pancreatitis scares the shit out of me (not as much as pancreatic cancer), and I understand that it is hard to diagnose. I got full blood work done, which came back normal as well. I have yet to get a CT scan. I was diagnosed with a potential stomach ulcer and possibly costochondritis. My stools have been floating for a whIle now, which is scary concerning pancreatitis. I'm also on an ulcer diet: raw (non citrus) fruits, vegetables, lean meats, no drinking, nothing spicy. I'm 29 years old and pretty miserable, physically and mentally. I would suggest an endoscopy if you have had reflux issues in the past because it could be an ulcer. Try your best not to google. I will update you with my results.

12-09-16, 17:51
Thanks. I will look for that medicine:)

I do feel a bit bloated after dinner though. But I have had an issue with that for years. But it got worse lately. And I feel a little sharpening on the lower ribs after eating. Not only after eating though. I have had a trouble with overweight for some years. I have been trying unsuscsesfully to loose weight.

---------- Post added at 18:51 ---------- Previous post was at 18:39 ----------

I, too, have a dull burning pain on my left side under my ribs which is one of the major reasons I am now involved with this forum. Chronic pancreatitis scares the shit out of me (not as much as pancreatic cancer), and I understand that it is hard to diagnose. I got full blood work done, which came back normal as well. I have yet to get a CT scan. I was diagnosed with a potential stomach ulcer and possibly costochondritis. My stools have been floating for a whIle now, which is scary concerning pancreatitis. I'm also on an ulcer diet: raw (non citrus) fruits, vegetables, lean meats, no drinking, nothing spicy. I'm 29 years old and pretty miserable, physically and mentally. I would suggest an endoscopy if you have had reflux issues in the past because it could be an ulcer. Try your best not to google. I will update you with my results.

It is a good thing boards like this exists. The last thing ever people with health anxiety should do is participate in discussions on places like the Patient Forum webpage(I am not giving a link) as it seems like a echo chamber for people who hates doctor because they dont dx them correctly or so they say. Worse is those who are basically fine but log in to cancer patients message boards and ask if they think they have this or that cancer type. The last thing a hypocondriac should do and the answers they will recieve will certainly not make them happy.

I am going to endoscopy in early October however due to my prolonged cnstipation and unstable stomach.

Let us cross the fingers that neither you or I have pancreatitis. BTW; you dont have pancreatic cancer. I had that little fear when I was at my most hysterical though; I was even checking my eyes in the mirror to see if they were turning yellow. When people are afraid of PC it is because they fear the worst case scenario. And when we do we cross the line of rational thinking. It is completely irrational to assume that moderate stomach pain over several months can be pancreatic cancer as it would be a medical sensation and something the medical science would look at with interest. In other words, not possible. Read one place a guy who feared that he have had PC for 6 years without treatement. No. Not so,
But pancreatitis; unfortunately as I understand can have a very slow developement. And that is what scares me to the bone.

12-09-16, 18:21

Just to let you know that I have merged your threads.

This is nothing personal it just makes the forum easier to use.


12-09-16, 18:22
Hi I too have suffered and still do with acid reflux issues, and a soreness under my left rib radiating through to the back. Sore to the touch and only thing that helps is a hot water bottle. I have helicobacter bacteria found via and endoscopy. GI consultant took biopsies during endoscopy which showed inflammation due to the h pylori bacteria.
Had eradication therapy which didn't kill it, 2nd endoscopy showed it was still alive and thriving in my gut. Even thou stool test showed negative the gi consultant said the stool test isn't 100% and endoscopy biopsies was a high positive.

I started off with constipation and bloated belly unable to lose weight. As it progressed it went the other way to diarrhoea and rapid weight loss.

If your seeing a gi dr and having an endoscopy ask them to check you for the bacteria h pylori. It causes a whole range of worrying symptoms. I have the left hand side discomfort 24/7. Hope you get some answers soon. Try not to think the worse (easier said than done I know!)

13-09-16, 02:14
I would suggest an endoscopy if you have had reflux issues in the past because it could be an ulcer. Try your best not to google. I will update you with my results.

Well, with ulcer you have big red spots on you back, no? No such symptom here, so I doubt it is that.

---------- Post added at 03:10 ---------- Previous post was at 03:09 ----------


Just to let you know that I have merged your threads.

This is nothing personal it just makes the forum easier to use.


Thanks. I am new so there is a bit confusion on where to post.:)

---------- Post added at 03:12 ---------- Previous post was at 03:10 ----------

Hi I too have suffered and still do with acid reflux issues, and a soreness under my left rib radiating through to the back. Sore to the touch and only thing that helps is a hot water bottle. I have helicobacter bacteria found via and endoscopy. GI consultant took biopsies during endoscopy which showed inflammation due to the h pylori bacteria.
Had eradication therapy which didn't kill it, 2nd endoscopy showed it was still alive and thriving in my gut. Even thou stool test showed negative the gi consultant said the stool test isn't 100% and endoscopy biopsies was a high positive.

I started off with constipation and bloated belly unable to lose weight. As it progressed it went the other way to diarrhoea and rapid weight loss.

If your seeing a gi dr and having an endoscopy ask them to check you for the bacteria h pylori. It causes a whole range of worrying symptoms. I have the left hand side discomfort 24/7. Hope you get some answers soon. Try not to think the worse (easier said than done I know!)

I am going to colonoscopy in early October and of course I will ask for that. Thank you:D
I hope that your symptoms improves aswell.

---------- Post added at 03:14 ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 ----------

Update: this evening I have a recuring infalamtion(?)or stitching feeling right over the navel; straight up. Is that where the pancreas is? It comes and goes and is not affected by anything I eat or drink.

13-09-16, 13:02
Update: I just had a bowel movement that was emptying. But today it was yellow. Not floating, but semid hard. And to my mind creeps in the fear; not only of pancreatitis but of pancreatic cancer the deadliest of all cancers with higher mortality rate than lung cancer.
I read though that this may be seen also in people dx with acid reflux which gives me glimps of hope.
So what do you people say here? Please help out! I am scared!

13-09-16, 14:13
Hi Paranoid-viking,

Making posts like you have will only attract other cyberchondriacs.

For medical issues, you need to see a doctor and not post here.

However, please feel free to post about your anxiety, and ways to deal with it.

13-09-16, 14:47
Hi Paranoid-viking,

Making posts like you have will only attract other cyberchondriacs.

For medical issues, you need to see a doctor and not post here.

However, please feel free to post about your anxiety, and ways to deal with it.

I am really sorry if it is taken that way cause that is not my purpose:weep:

Actually it is opposite; I hope for some reasurance and that is why I am here you know. Yes I am a cybercondriac and not asheamed to admit it. But unlike many other cybercondriacs I am not signig up on forums for cancer patients and asking THEM if they think I have so and so. From what I see in googling the answers these hypocondriacs gets in there is devastating and more than devastating; only confirming their worst fears. Real cancer patients are of course concerned of their own tragic situations and have no time for reasurring hypocondriacs and are often traumatized enough to confirm that these CCs visiting may very well have the same disease.
I am going to ultrasound but it is still 2 weeks away but I got good advice from people over here. And now I worry about todays stool.

13-09-16, 15:16
Well, let me give you reassurance.

I can reassure you, you don't have chronic pancreatitis.

Did you believe me? I don't think so.

Reassurance from anyone else on the web is about as equally as valid.

For medical issues, see a doctor.

However, please continue to feel free to post about how to deal with anxiety issues.

13-09-16, 16:02
Well, let me give you reassurance.

I can reassure you, you don't have chronic pancreatitis.

Did you believe me? I don't think so.

Reassurance from anyone else on the web is about as equally as valid.

For medical issues, see a doctor.

However, please continue to feel free to post about how to deal with anxiety issues.

Actually the others who answered me gave me quite a lot of reasurance that it may be something else than pancreatitis. Espcially Michelle. The most worrying thought though is that I may have to go through the dreadfully painful enoscopy testing again:unsure:

13-09-16, 16:45
I know somebody who has pancreatitis. She passed out at work due to the pain when it first manifested itself and is often off work because it incapacitates her. You don't have pancreatitis.

RE: your cyberchondria. Try and have some Internet down time. You might be surprised how relaxing it is not having all of this information to ingest and decipher!

14-09-16, 23:40
try hard to reasure myself I dont have chronic pancreatitis but it is hard and the fear is almost constant.

My checklist for the early symptoms:

pain in your upper abdomen
-not really pain, but a dull discomfort llike a needle is poking here and there

-not usually. Quite the oposite actually I am suffering a lot from constipation. Actually I only had diarreah after taking the stomach medicine pursenid(not recommended)

fatty stools, which are loose, pale, and don’t flush away easily
-after taking pursenid yes, but again mostly constipation. For the most part the stools have had a brown normal color

nausea and vomiting
-not at all

unexplained weight loss

excessive thirst and fatigue
-no, no excessive thirst(which is a diabetes symptom I guess). Fatigue I have felt now and then througout my entire life espcially when I have helath anxiety and other anxiety

And for the more progresed symptoms:
pancreatic fluids in your abdomen
jaundice, which is characterized by a yellowish discoloration in your eyes and skin
internal bleeding
intestinal blockage

No, no, no and no.

But I have had and still has a recuring discomfort, not pain but discomfort in my upper left side and that is what scares the stool out of me becuse i read it is a red flag symptom for pancreatitis; and the discomfort is radiating towards to the back. And more scary; that this discomfort came twice after having some beers. But it has happened in periods without beer also.

15-09-16, 12:06
Anyone out there now? Who can agree for sending private messages about it who knows something? I am feeling some discomfort between the belly button and the chest annd I am scared to death it is pancreatitis. It is like I am about to cry.

Joe Hayes
15-09-16, 12:21
I'm here man. I have my own gi appt in 90 min...I don't know much but is this worsening? Is it possible you are hyperaware right now?

26-09-16, 12:58
2 more days to the first testing with ultrasound. But today I feel naseous; which I guess(and hope)is just a manifistation of the murderous and traumatizing fear I have inside. I am really in the dark basement of murderous anxiety. I fear the worst. Pancreatic cancer is a death sentence and chronic pancreatitis is a prison hole I would be in the rest of my life. So scared, so scred, I am crying:weep:

26-09-16, 13:57
I'm here with you. I have pain in my upper left quadrant as well, have had it for 7 months now. I have my first gastroenterology appointment tomorrow and I'm hoping for some answers. I, too, fear the prison sentence of chronic pancreatitis, as my symptoms are pretty closely matching that. I'm not in the same dark hole as you, however. I am nervous, but not panicked. I had a period of 2 weeks where I was in a state of panic and it was awful. I stopped eating, became incredibly sore all over, and am still physically and mentally recovering. I am trying to take this day by day. Not looking at the prognosis. All I can say is hang in there.

26-09-16, 15:44
We are in the same boat. Still, we must avoid googling nightmare stories on the Internet and try to think that after all; pancreatitis is a minority-within-a-minority-disease; there are many conditions affecting the stomach that is not pancreatitis and most are not dangerous; a minority is. And I come to realise a lot of the infoo we find on the net is not reliable. If you come across a page saying that pancreatitis is the second most common reason for abdominal pain; which I did; then you should be reassured that this is an outreageous lie and those writing it should be legally punished for spreading false information. But it is enough to scare me stiff.