View Full Version : Lowest I have ever been with anxiety ( advice or reasurance pls)

26-03-07, 21:47

I'm getting in a state, it is getting worse day by day as these symtoms are still present?

I have done a search on this forum for burping and I wish I never.
Somebody said that burping can be a sign of the C word.

I have been burping and feeling sick with an aweful taste in my throat and mouth for the last three weeks, which I have seen my doctor twice over it.

My dad has even been up tonight to try and calm me down but since he has left, I'm all in tears and feeling like I have a panic attack coming on.
Being alone when suffering with anxiety is very hard and I'm so ashamed of myself with this horrid health anxiety illness.

I don't feel like eating, watching TV or anything normal...!


26-03-07, 21:54
Hi Red

I proved the other day that everything can be linked back to cancer.

I googled for "splinter finger cancer" and found a link between the two.

This proves that we can find cancer in just about everything and anything.

I bet you didn't pay much attention to the positive websites you found that said it is indigestion and could be anxiety did you?

Are you still on the Losec?

You will be fine and it will go in time. I am lucky that when I get mine the Losec cures it in days but some people have it for weeks.

You MUST eat small meals all day and nothing spicy or acidy.

At least 5 meals a day the doc told me and no more than 2 hours or so between eating.

It will go in time trust me.

26-03-07, 21:55
P.S. have you tried tonic water?

26-03-07, 22:02
Hi red

Just popped on and your thread caught my attention - I too suffer really BADLY with burping and Im left with sore throats and the feeling that my throat is closing. I take ranitidine and it has eased it a little.

Its one of the anxiety symptoms i am left with - and like you think its something worse - but Im learning to live with it and have realised that when Im keeping myself distracted with something else then it eases off but when I focus on it, its gets worse.

Like Nic says try and eat small amounts often and chew you food for a while and try and relax when eating. Cut out spicy foods, coffee and avoid chewing gum.

Try peppermint tea also.

Im thinking of you cos I know its a horrible feeling

Take care


26-03-07, 22:03

I took your advice and purchased some tonic water today and it's sitting in front of me as I type, been sipping it all evening.

I purchased some chewing gum this morning, which does take away the sickness feeling but when I stop, the symtoms come back shortly after.


26-03-07, 22:03
Hi Red,

Sorry you are feeling so bad.

As Nicola says, if you google any symptoms you will always come up with cancer as an option. However, this does not mean it relates to you! Google is not a doctor, it's not looking at the overall picture, just uses one of millions of keywords.

I went through a stage a few weeks ago where I was full of wind and my IBS symptoms were awful. I found that cutting out wheat helped with the wind and bloating.

I also find when I am more anxious I burp more - possibly swallowing too much air? Or not eating properly, not wanting to eat, then shovelling something in quick, when I'm on the move, to keep me going?

Things are never as bad as we fear. There are so many different possibilities for your symptoms - try not to let your imagination run wild with you because chances are there really is nothing to worry about.

And please, you don't have anything to be ashamed of. Anxiety is as much of an illness as anything else and it's not easily within our control (otherwise no one would suffer with it!).

You have lots of support on here. Hopefully with your CBT you will start to learn ways of coping with your worries.

26-03-07, 22:51
Hi Red,

sorry that you are having a bad time of it at the moment. I have never heard of that link with burping and believe me i have done my fair share of googling with indigestion etc (my other half suffers this and i have ha for others as well).
Last year i had a bout of indigestion that lasted about 3 weeks (never had it before other than in pregnancy). I went to gp and she prescribed a course of zantac type stuff. It didnt work so i went back, she told me to continue with it and take lactulose (for constipation). And hey ho eventually it went.
I was so worried as like i said i'd never suffered before and she just said it was one of those things, you can start with it at any age. I've had one bout since that lasted a week or so.
I found gaviscon better as you could swig it out the bottle at any time (used it when pregnant).
anx xx

27-03-07, 03:09
Hiya sorry your not feeling good,i have the same as Darkangel and with me its mainly anxiety as you tend to gulp air down when your anxious,but then it starts a vicious circle.
Hope you feel better soon.

27-03-07, 06:34
Sorry its got you down red, I want to tell you its just the anxiety but I know how hard it is to believe that cause Ive been there. Just try to tell yourself you are safe, you are ok.
I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

27-03-07, 15:11
How about trying to eat your protiens and your carbs seprate from each other ?

This can help burping sometimes.
good luck

27-03-07, 15:25
I don't feel like eating, watching TV or anything normal...!
I'm sure we've all been there with this one!
You can get better.
If you can start to try and not focus on the bad thoughts. If you have been given the all clear by the medics then it's time to stop googling. Resist the urge at all cost.
Spend the time you would google reading Claire Weekes. It'll do you much more good.
There are courses you can do through your GP and the MIND teams to help with thought patterns. I found this very useful actually although I very nearly turned it all down. Well I did at first and then thought I've got give it a go at least.
I found that when I was as bad as you are describing that a walk each day helped. I know you may not feel like it, I know I didn't. I had to drag myself around the park at about 1 mph at first and only managed about 10 mins!

Above all keep in mind that you can come out of this and feel "normal" again.


Sheik N Shimmy
27-03-07, 16:01
I'm sure we've all been there with this one!
You can get better.
<---> Above all keep in mind that you can come out of this and feel "normal" again.

Well said Trev. Been there done that. Glad it's behind me (well almost). Still have the acid reflux / ibs type stuff but the worst is over.

Kind of glad it happened because it kind of makes you look forward to and appreciate the rest of your life.

To get out of that phase though you first need to recognise that anxiety is causing all the symptoms. If the doc says you're ok then you are ok.

27-03-07, 21:28
I really feel for you and I understand (really understand, trust me) what you're going through.

I know to you this all seems very real and the idea that it might be cancer a real, likely possibility. But it really is not. Say it with me, it's not! The chances that it is cancer from what you have said are about 1 in 100 000 (and that's at the very most). You shouldn't waste a moment of your life for odds like these.

At some point you have to give up and realise that you cannot trust your own gut feeling about these things. That your sense of danger is not calibrated properly. We've all been there before. I'm sure you've had symptoms before and convinced yourself that they were something and then found they weren't. No one gives us back the time we lose when this time, too, it turns out to be nothing.

Truly, this time too, it's nothing.

And everybody burps.


28-03-07, 13:58

I burp all the time, sometimes feel like im breathless until i burp espically after eating. Read something a few weeks ago that said when your anxious you tend to swallow more air and this results in more wind. Try not to worry I also made the mistake of linking the two and it was another illness for me to obsess about.

Take care


28-03-07, 19:21
Hi all,

In myself yesterday I picked-up a little but from dinner time onwards, the sickness feeling has got worst, which I left work early incase I was.

It's been three weeks now and it is worrying me like mad. I have tried over the last few days to accept that it is anxiety but today the symtoms got strong.

I try and talk to my wife about it but all she keeps saying is that it's anxiety, which I guess you people are used to hearing this from your partners.

All I can think of is that a tumor is present, which is causing me to feel sick and burp.

A few more days like this and I guess I will be thinking of more negative thoughts, which I don't want to go down that path again.

Thank you for people who have replied, they lifted me for a little, which helped.

These days and nights get longer as I can not sleep with feeling sick, not sure how I'm going to get through tonight.

Take care everybody!


28-03-07, 22:54
Feeling better will take a bit of time even after a change of mindset.

You are caught in a vicious circle......

You THINK "Oh my God it's.....(insert your fear here)" = FEEL scared = Release of "fight or flight" chemicals = FEEL worse = THINK "Oh my God it's..." = FEEL more scared = release of more chemicals etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

It ain't gonna change overnight. Claire Weekes suggests it can take up to 3 months to fully de-sensitise the body.

If you don't have a copy of her book Self Help For Your Nerves then I'd strongly advise you to buy a copy.


29-03-07, 18:06
i all,

What have I done?

I went back to see the doctor today, who was very good but I wish I never went.

I told him that I'm still having symtoms, which is not making my anxiety worst.

He asked me how did I get on with the omeprazole, which I told him they made no difference.

He then asked me to come back in tomorrow for a blood test and to take lansoprazole for two weeks and if symtoms are no better then I will have to go for a endoscopy, to see if it is an ulcer or tumor etc.

Sorry if this makes no sence but I'm very upset and worried.

How do I get through the night, the week or the month...?


30-03-07, 09:40
Hi red, I'm sorry you're having such a hard time at the moment. I know just how you feel.

Well, I have never heard of burping being a sign of 'c', and i have heard of (and focussed on!) most symptoms. When my anxiety was as it's worst, i felt sick all the time - i was completely consumed by this horrendous feeling, and just felt like i couldnt cope at all. I have had times when my anxiety was so bad i have been very close to vomiting. It definitely affects your stomach big time, so anxiety is a very good explanation for your symptoms, although you might not believe it.

Definitely avoid chewing gum, it will make you very windy and burp a lot more. Large amounts of it can also give you diarrhoea, and you don't want to add that to your symptoms.

Have you tried writing down an evidence chart like you do in CBT? Write a list of evidence for why your symptoms could be 'c'. Make sure it is real facts, not just something someone once said. Then write a list of evidence for why it is not 'c'. Then think of an alternative explanation e.g. your symptoms are being caused by anxiety, and write down evidence for and against this too. My CBT told me that i was focussing far too much on my feelings e.g. i feel that i have 'c', so therefore i must have it, but writing the charts made me realise that it was just my own feelings fooling me. It might help you to put it down in writing.

Tbh, i think the reason your doctor is sending you for tests is because he thinks that this will put your mind at rest. Different doctors treat anxiety sufferers in different ways - my doctor has offered to send me for tests that she knew i didnt need (she told me this) if i felt that it would put my mind at rest. I chose not to get them done because i knew it would make me feel worse. If you had not gone back to the doctors you wouldnt be going for these tests, if your doctor had been concerned he would have sent you for tests on a previous visit, so i think its only because he thinks it will help your anxiety that he has offered these.

Are you taking any meds? I know some people are against this, but if you feel like your life is being taken over by anxiety (which it sounds like it is) it might be worth considering? Just a suggestion.

Here's a hug :hugs: to let you know you're not alone.


30-03-07, 13:42

Well, I went for the blood test this morning, I told her a was worried so she was gentle and I did not feel a thing, results should be Wednesday.

I then came home and my mum and her husband pulled up at the same time and guess what they said to me "YOU HAVE LOST WEIGHT".

That was it, it's made me worst, I'm basically excepting I have something nasty.


30-03-07, 14:21
Hi Red,

glad your blood test was ok for you. Some people don't realise what otherwise normal comments can do to those of us with ha. If you were worrying about your stomach you wouldn't have given that comment a second thought. If you are stressed out and feeling sickly you might possibly have lost a little weight, thats normal.

anx x

30-03-07, 15:00
Losing weight is very, very common with anxiety.

Well done for doing the blood test. Once you get the results you can move forward.

30-03-07, 19:23
Hey Reddevil !!
You must be a ManU fan ?
Anxiety can cause your stomach to make oodles of acid - its NOT anything more I'm sure. However, I know the acid can cause quite a bit of pain sometimes. Try over the counter antacids and sleep with your bedhead raised for a few nights that should give you some relief

31-03-07, 14:27
Hi all,

I'm just getting anxious as I have been on Lansoprazole 30mg capsuls for three days and I have noticed no difference.


02-04-07, 13:25
hi red,

ive been on similaer meds for same condition as you, but i think mine is a bit more advanced then yours.
i was told that the tablets wouldnt ease symptoms for at least a week, and then could take over 6 weeks or longer for all symptoms to ease. ive now been on the meds for about 2 and a half months and symptoms have eased greatly, except i still get occasional burping and feeling of congestion in throat. i also still feel unwell every day- a few times a day.( all in my posts)
so dont worry!!!
your not alone with this..and i so know how you feel , i really do. i keep having random freak outs as well- 'why hasnt this healed, it should have by now....it must be bad...etc'
just keep at it and follow suggestions ppl have given you on here.
like im trying to..lol...
my doc too suggested throat camera thing- i think more for scare tactics..lol, she knows i wont come back then, and eventually things clear up.(well, they have in the past) heres hopes to this one too for us. cross fingers!

02-04-07, 17:35
hi red
Ive had this before and i was prescribed pariet which is similar to losec.I found it helped.I havent got symptoms like at the moment apart from when i have a panic attack and that makes me burp bigstyle.You cant believe that anxiety can cause so many problems.
I really sympathise with you and wish i had a magic wand to make us all feel better.Take care of yourself and just remember you arent alone.

love Julie xxxx

02-04-07, 19:33

My first hurdle is finding out blood test results Wednesday.

If normal then I'm sure half of the anxiety will vanish but on the other hand, if results are not normal then how I will cope, I'm not sure.


02-04-07, 22:38
Good luck with your results, I hope they come back fine :)

and all who are worrying about the camera down the throat thing - don't. I've had this done once and the doctor could see I was on edge, I was given a sedative and thanks to being so tired from the night before I fell straight to sleep. Next thing I'm coming round and the nurse is offering me a cup of tea and its all over, so its really not as bad as you think :)

04-04-07, 07:48
Blood test result should be ready for today, I appear shaking this morning about the results.


04-04-07, 18:35
Blood test is normal, phew...!

Does this rule out all nasty stuff?


04-04-07, 19:33
Hi Red,

Well done for going ahead with the blood test! I had a battery of them done a short while ago so i can sympathise with the ordeal of waiting for results. I guess that many serious conditions will show themselves by changing various blood components (as well as many non-serious ones). The fact that yours came back normal should be very reassuring. What type of blood test was it exactly?

Best regards,


04-04-07, 20:14
It was a full blood count.

04-04-07, 22:26
Well done on getting your bloods done and I'm really pleased for you that they have come back normal. That's a very encouraging sign. Does your GP still want to do the camera?

I was told when I had my bloods done that the full blood count would pick up on any abnormalities (I think this shows in the white cell count???) and if there was any internal bleeding going on (as this would make me anaemic).

05-04-07, 07:36

I'm not sure about the camera, he wanted to see me next, when I have finsihed the course of these acid tablets.


05-04-07, 08:56
Great news Red!

I have acid as well, and wake up with the pain in the chest area. Also get it when I haven't eaten in a few hours. Have been on Losec for MONTHS and it is not completely gone. I was sure I had an ulcer, so had an endoscopy, and all it showed was inflammation (thank goodness!)

You are not alone, and you are going to be fine :)


05-04-07, 09:45
Well done with the results. you can put that one to bed now. :-)

05-04-07, 13:14
Yea, results were a relief, just got to go back and see the doctor when three weeks of the acid tablets have finsihed.

The symtoms have eased since the medication but still present.


06-04-07, 11:23
Hi all,

Sickness feeling and burping has slightly started to get better, (not perfect but better).

Over the last few days though, I seem to be getting quite a bit of catah (not sure how it is spelt) in throat.

I guess the catah is harmless as I'm trying not to worry but be positive.


06-04-07, 13:09
Gosh Red ,it seems nearly all of us here have acid reflux problems ,i have had 4 gastroscopies to date,always inflamation.See how your symptoms have eased since you had the good news about the blood tests!:yesyes: Yes a thick claggy throat is another symptom of anxiety and digestive disorders mate,so try not to worry:) Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

20-04-07, 18:17
Hi all,

What a rubbish day I have had, not sure what to do.

The feeling off being sick and burping went away fot atl east 10 days.

Well today It came back, which I thought the tablets had cured it but obviouslt not.

I'm so worried again, not sure if it is anxiety related or not as my blood test came back normal.

I have mouth ulcers, well I think it is an ulcer as it is on my gland on left cheek of mouth.

I'm worried it's my anxiety making symtom worse or it's an ulcer in the stomach like in the mouth.

Not sure what to do as I'm worried the acid will damage my throat or the pipe connecting it.


20-04-07, 19:02
Hello Red !
I have this problem - its caused by acid reflux from your stomach. In my experience its worse when you're anxious or worried about something. The good news is that its not life threatening and can be easily controlled. Small meals eaten little and often, no caffeine and a low fat diet will help enormously. I also take Gaviscon as and when. If it keeps you awake at night try raising the bedhead a few inches (but don't slide off the end of the bed !) Biggest tip is to listen regularly to relaxation tapes. The more you can relax the more acid will be reduced.
I know its not easy, Red, but we're all here to support you thro this tuffy.
Be kind to yourself

20-04-07, 20:21
Can it cause any damage?

27-06-07, 19:49
Hi all,

Can i take Gaviscon every day?
