View Full Version : Struggino with anxiety and cancer fears

12-09-16, 21:54

I don't really know what to write as I'm not sure things will ever change but I just need to vent really and see if I'm not alone. Two years ago I found a breast lump which I really believed was just where my children had bruised me as it was in the area where they would often use their elbows to get off my lap. Went to GP after about 2 months and she also felt it was nothing but had to refer me to the hospital as that's the policy.

Mammogram, ultrasound and then biopsies later, as although the scans etc didn't show anything there was an obvious lump. Had to have the biopsies repeated a week later as apparently they were inconclusive. So, get results and the 2nd biopsies were negative, but the 1st had shown a very tiny cancer, so tiny that the pathologists couldn't be certain it belonged to me! But they had to act as if it did, (& it may have)?? Breast MRI was clear, a lumpectomy was performed and nothing else found and subsequent annual mammograms have been clear, BUT I've developed HA that I cannot get rid of. I've had so many aches & pains since, I'm so scared I've got cancer somewhere else and they've missed it. I know they're doing all they can but I can't change how I feel. I've had CBT but it didn't seem to help & taken Sertraline but weaned myself off and thought I was ok, but struggling again now.

So sorry for the long winded post I just needed to talk. Thank you xx

13-09-16, 23:31
Anyone?? ��

Joe Hayes
13-09-16, 23:35
The one thing I have learned about cancer anxiety (and this is mine right now) is how similar so many of the symptoms are to...well, just about anything but especially anxiety.

14-09-16, 00:27
I have cancer anxiety, as well. Probably because my dad died of a brain tumor when I was 15, my mom died of pancreatic cancer (we think) when I was in my 30s, my sister developed breast cancer when she was 41, and my brother developed some type of cancer that I've never even heard of before! I worry about breast cancer too, because of my sister, and because when I was on vacation back in June, our vacation rental had a full length mirror, and I just happened to get a glimpse of my naked self. and I noticed t hat one of my breasts looked larger than the other. So of course, I've kept my eye on my breasts since then! I had my annual exam with the gyn today, and of course, I didn't mention that I thought one was larger than the other. I thought, "Well, let her do her exam, and if she feels anything (I haven't), she'll say something." She didn't say a word. I hate having cancer anxiety. We can be anxiety buddies :)

ETA: I forgot to add that my latest cancer scare deals with colon cancer, not because I have any symptoms or family history, but because I just took the Cologuard DNA test (instead of a colonoscopy), and am awaiting the results. I hate waiting for test results. If this test finds anything suspicious (blood in stool, or polyps or worse) I'll have to go ahead and have the regular colonoscopy.

14-09-16, 01:04
I, too, have cancer anxiety. Any little thing that happens to me , my mind goes automatically to a cancer diagnosis. It's terrible. BTW Joe, do you know anything about anxiety zone's "glitch"? I have been back to that site for the last three days and still can't post . What's up with that? I sure am going to miss it if it's gone for good.

Joe Hayes
14-09-16, 01:31
I don't. I am pretty new there too!

14-09-16, 18:08
Can I join the cancer anxiety train? Seriously, that has pretty much been my major fear for about 12 years now. No matter what the symptom is, its always cancer. Of course except its not or I would have been probably been dead a long time ago. :doh:

14-09-16, 19:07
I have worried about cancer in the past still done, been round the houses thought I have had problems with my bowel etc when I had abdominal pains back in 2012, testicle lump in 2016 my GP was right to referred me to the hospital, thank you GP even though it turned out to be some cysts.

We had one person sadly had cancer this year, she had her treatment and was caught very early, hopefully she will have no more problems.

17-09-16, 23:06
It's horrible that there's so many of us, (but in a strange way comforting to not feel alone)!! I too thought I had bowel cancer earlier this year, lots of different symptoms, that I guess can also be the dreaded anxiety...I had a colonoscopy, (which was horrible & I've had 2 c-sections)!! All came back fine! I've also ended up having my tonsils removed due to persistent tonsillitis, but also struggling with swallowing and feeling there was something in my throat. I had to have a biopsy at the same time due to the consultant seeing a raised area on my tongue, but thankfully that was ok. I constantly feel that I'm moaning about my health and everyday worry that I'm going to die early and leave my children & if I don't worry about it I then feel I'm jinxing it, does that make sense? x

17-09-16, 23:51
I am right there with you, I have this persistent cough from allergies that is really annoying, and I strained my chest at work lifting heavy batteries and other equipment, so now the cough plus chest pain is obviously lung cancer. Doesn't help that I was a smoker of 17 years and my time in the army being exposed to those burn pits really makes me paranoid, and what makes it the worst is if I actually did have lung cancer my only hope would be the VA, I'm screwed lol.

What helps me is I go to the gym to release some stress, and staying away from google has done wonders.

18-09-16, 00:23
I've started fitness classes twice a week so hoping this will help, but I'm still to step away from Google, I know how terrible Google is & if any of my friends were doing what I am the first thing I'd advise would be to get off Google, but it's difficult listening to your own advice!! I've also been getting a tingling sensation down the right side of my face so having a wobble about that too. God I'm sick of this anxiety!! x

19-09-16, 15:59
I have the same worries, Breast C is my anxiety. I also have IBS and I also worry about Colon C. It's never ending and my life is ruined because it's with me 24/7

23-09-16, 18:48
I so understand how you feel and feel that I'm wasting my life. I've always worried about things, but now it's extreme! I can still function everyday but it's always there in my mind that I've got cancer, or some deadly illness and I won't be around to see my children grow up. I hate it xx