View Full Version : Someone help

13-09-16, 18:51
I am 7 weeks pregnant, terrified I am going to die during pregnancy or labor. I have pain in my leg and am convinced it's a blood clot and I'm going to die from a pulmonary embolism. It's consuming my every thought. I'm self checking 24- 7 and I feel so anxious I have zero appetite and all I want to do I sleep so I don't worry. I have read the odds of a l DVT in pregnancy are 1/1000 so to me that's scary. To most people the odds are low! I just want someone to talk this through with me please.

14-09-16, 07:57
Hello! Ive never had experience with a DVT or pregnancy (obviously). Just letting you know Im here and have had the same worry with a clot in my leg. Turned out it was just a stressed muscle. Where is it and what does it feel like?

15-09-16, 22:01
Please don't worry! I imagine it's scary to be pregnant because you feel responsible for two lives and you're reminded of increased risks of things happening, but please remember that the vast majority of women go through pregnancy without anything like this happening! Your body will feel different to normal because of your pregnancy, so anxiously monitoring yourself will only emphasise how different you feel. If you have persistent calf pain then do let your GP know, but it's much more likely that it's just stress