View Full Version : Hello folks

27-03-07, 02:18
Hi there

I have stumbled across this forum from the Wikipedia (my favourite calming thing!) entry on panic disorder.

I am awake at this unholy hour because I have been woken by a panic attack. Something I am sure there are others on this forum also experience. The night time panic attack.

I will become aware of myself, and somewhere in my mind (though I am still mostly asleep, so it's all annoyingly sub-conscious) think "I'm going to be sick" and wham, there's the panic attack.

Hey ho. At least I know that's what it is. Doesn't make it any less disturbing of my sleep though! And I need sleep very much - I'm not one of these night people that can be happy on 6 hours kip!

So hi. I have been having panic attacks since I was about 15. I am now 25. I have been mostly unemployed for the last five years because of them, and undiagnosed Dyspraxia, and sorting out transitioning from female-to-male.

I really want them sorted now. They are very tiring.

So yes, hello all. I look forward to getting to know you.


27-03-07, 10:43
hiya, when im at my worst, the night time is what i dread most, cause like you, i need my sleep, try correcting all your negative thoughts with positive ones, you might think this doesnt work, but your sub consious does take notice! im sure you ll find loads of help and advice on this site

take care

27-03-07, 16:23
Hi Robin,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

27-03-07, 20:35

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

29-03-07, 16:10
A big welcome to the site..great support n advice here..glad to have ya on board x

29-03-07, 18:30

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

29-03-07, 18:33
A BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way.:smile:



29-03-07, 22:55
hi and a big warm welcome

love sandy xx

31-03-07, 17:23
Hello Robin

Just wanted to wish you a very warm welcome, :)
I am Rachel from Suffolk... im also a new person to this site.. i have found the people here to be very supportive and welcoming

Glad you are here :)

Pink Princess
02-04-07, 15:52
hey robin welcome to the site and hope to speak to you soon, take kare xxxxx

02-04-07, 16:00
You're very welcome. People here are really friendly.