View Full Version : Do I have Asthma?

13-09-16, 20:01
I'm really scared of getting an asthma test as I don't want to find out I have asthma, but I've been having the most awful flare ups after I recovered from tonsillitis.

Is this asthma?

- since beginning of August and getting over my tonsillitis, whenever I take the bus or outside and it's hot, my throat glands start to swell and tingles in the back of my throat, then I feel my airway tight, and then my chest becomes tight and I can't breathe naturally. I'm not short of breath, just that I'm breathing much slower. I'm not wheezing or coughing. Also my mouth and tongue become dry. It's been happening once a week and takes a few days to recover.

I have a slight hay fever and used to just get a tickle in the back of my throat and sneeze, but this is so much more. My GP believes my tonsils have become hypersensitive since my virus or it's still lingering.

But I do wheeze when I'm crying anxiously. My airway still always feels mildly inflamed after having tonsillitis. I'm also getting allergy tests done tomorrow.

Please anyone with knowledge about asthma?

I'm very upset worrying and started googling my symptoms online which has made me feel worse and it's night time now. The worst time to feel panicky for me! :weep:

13-09-16, 20:14
Hi Lily
It doesn't sound like asthma to me, I have asthma as well as very sensitive tonsils. I get tonsillitis every year without fail :shrug: To me it sounds like because you are worrying about these symptoms, all the things happening in throat, when we panic its 'normal' for our chest to tighten and our mouth to go dry. When I used to get asthma attacks it was a constant wheeze. I am not a doctor and if your doctor thought you needed an asthma check he would arrange one.

Having said that sweetie I have asthma, its very easily managed and not something to be terrified of. My advice is if your doctor suggests it, get the asthma test, I am sure it will come back fine.

Rule number one though, no googling. Nothing good has ever come from googling our symptoms. It will not change a single thing and will only worry you further as we all know it comes up with some pretty terrifying conclusions to some very ordinary problems.

13-09-16, 20:35
I'm really panicking right now. I'm alone in the UK while my family are living abroad so I have no one here to just tell me everything will be all right.

My worst health nightmare is breathing difficulties. I don't understand how this suddenly developed? The nurse will call me in a few days to book the Lung Function Test which I will first blow into without an inhaler and then with to see if there is any improvement. The GP just wants to rule this out if I don't have it.

I'm such a stupid 33 year old, I can't even deal with this as an adult by myself. I wish I was stronger. I had such a terrible time at boarding school and it turned me into a wimp! I'm not visiting my family until Christmas. I wish they were here right now. I just can't cope. I feel like I'm such going to cry myself to sleep again.

14-09-16, 13:24
I feel better during the day time. Night time is very depressing for me.

14-09-16, 18:12
I am 33 and also alone in the UK too Lily, night time is terrifying for me. If you need to chat just send me a message