View Full Version : Morning Anxiety - Does Anyone Else Get This?

13-09-16, 20:46
Hi :)
I've been having a bit of a blip with anxiety and when my anxiety becomes high I tend to wake up early and feel really anxious. I feel like I can't lie still and have to keep moving and I get an upset stomach. I know that these physical symptoms are just symptoms of the anxiety, but I really don't like it. I worry that I won't be able to cope with it and that I'm scared that I won't be able to calm myself down.
Does anyone else experience this? How do you cope with it? The anxiety seems to be worse in the mornings. Is it because I'm worried about making it through the day with the anxious thoughts and being scared about not being able to calm myself down?

13-09-16, 21:28
Oh yes! I've had this for 10 months now every single morning. I honestly believe it is something to do with the rise in cortisol in the morning that causes the early waking (5am on the dot for me) and the other anxiety symptoms like churning stomach, sweating, shaking, racing thoughts etc. Do you find you are better in the evening - almost back to normal if you like?

13-09-16, 21:58
I have found anxiety to be worse in the morning. However!

Don't let how you feel in the morning dictate your day.

I have a morning routine that I stick to every day, that gets me clear headed and amped to start the day.

So deveop a routine that gets you up, and buzzing.

14-09-16, 05:58
These are some common simptoms of anxiety i would sugest you to try meditation before you sleep and when you wake up and relaxation tehniques .It helped me a little and maybe will help you also

14-09-16, 06:54
Yep, the most annoying thing ever!
And what is up with feeling so normal at night?!!

14-09-16, 07:42
yes every morning i wake up early and feel very anxious ,i get up make my coffee take it back to bed then get up and take my labrador for a nice walk but i know its tough

14-09-16, 07:49
My anxiety is definitely worse in the morning and better after tea time. I always feel a bit apprehensive, breathless and sick when I first get up. I cope by distracting myself best I can, i usually am getting ready for work so that helps. If I'm off work it's a lot harder to control.

14-09-16, 11:17
I swear a good percentage of the population mistakes hunger as anxiety.

I used to do this a lot. The feeling of nerves and butterflies in the stomach is so similar to that of feeling hungry. I ask myself, "OK, am I anxious, or just hungry?"

If you label your hunger as anxiety, your brain will proceed as if you are actually anxious.

Another simple thing, but there is truth behind it.

14-09-16, 19:28
My anxiety is always worse in the morning, wake-up in a panic every morning.

14-09-16, 19:33
Thank you very much for the replies everyone! It's very much appreciated! :D
It's good to see that we're not alone and that it's a common thing, but at the same time I hate to see that you go through it also.
I do find it better when I can get straight up and get ready and go to work, rather than having to lie there and wait to get up. I find keeping busy and distracted helps, so days off of work where I'm not doing anything that I need to get up and ready for are hard. I must be the only person who dreads time off of work?! haha.
I shall try having a routine and using the relaxation techniques/meditation as you suggested, thanks! :D
I do feel better in the evenings, so yes, it's good to remember that it doesn't have to affect the rest of your day.
Many thanks :hugs:

14-09-16, 19:47
I'm the same, I dread weekends and bank holidays because it means I'm at home with nothing to do. I prefer to be at work (even though it is only voluntary) because once I'm there I don't have time to think about the anxiety and it miraculously fades into the background! So annoying :mad:

14-09-16, 22:06
I'm the same too! I especially dread having a weeks' holiday from work, which I have in a week and a half's time. I'm having a blip with my anxiety at the moment, so I'm dreading having time off. It's so annoying! :weep: