View Full Version : Ultrasound today, freaking out and new symptoms

14-09-16, 06:58
So I'm having an ultrasound today to look at gallbladder and upper abdomen. My worries are stomach and bowel cancer.

I've been in a state of high anxiety all week and yesterday I did the bc symptom checker online. Told myself oh it's ok, you don't have bleeding and my bowel movements haven't changed. Then lo and behold I'm going to the toilet more often so now it's almost like I've created the symptoms to fit the fear.

Then last night I found a small lump under the skin above my left lower rib which is sore when pressed. I've been told I have lipomas before. So I googled and obviously the first thing that came up was swollen lymph nodes and all sorts of bad stuff. I'm not even sure it's a lymph node as its right on the outer side.

Please help me. I'm trying to hold it together so my 12 year old doesn't see (she also has ocd and anxiety) but I'm freaking out.

14-09-16, 07:05
I wish I could hug you. We are both having similar issues, and I found swollen lymph nodes and possibly a fixed lump on my ribs at 1:30am. Google is our worst enemy and we can both be thankful that we have doctors visits today. I feel confident that the only reason your bowels have changed is because of your anxiety and nerves, so take comfort in that.

14-09-16, 07:12
Thanks for replying. I'm not able to see my doctor until the 26th, today is just an outpatient visit for the ultrasound and they don't tell you anything at the appointment.

I'm so scared.

14-09-16, 07:16
Jeez, they make you wait that long for the results? That's cruel. I wonder if you called your doctor and told the office you were having a hard time waiting for the results if they would give them to you over the phone?

14-09-16, 07:24
The 26th is the first available appointment my GP had. I may be able to log in online and see my results before then. I can do that with my bloods and other tests. To be honest though, I'm not worried about the results of the ultrasound as I almost don't care about whether I have gallstones or not. I'm worried about the other two things mentioned and they're not checking for that.

My doctor said that if the ultrasound came back clear she would send me for a H Pylori breath test. I'm on Lansoprazole at the moment which is making me beyond exhausted and I have joint pain.

14-09-16, 07:36
My doctor wanted to check me for H. pylori as well, but if you are on that medication, you need to be off of it for 2 weeks to get accurate test results. I am having joint pain in my knees and I just started on that medication a few weeks ago. Is that a common side effect or something? I'm on omeprazole and refused to google side effects.

14-09-16, 07:40
Also that constant empty stomach slightly sick feeling and lots of silent burping and hiccups.

---------- Post added at 07:40 ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 ----------

I think joint pain can be a side effect of ppi's. My pain is in my fingers and wrists and I've developed a lump on my index finger joint.

14-09-16, 10:14
I am with you. I am also having ultrasound on about 2 weeks and feel nervous about it all. Avoid google at all cost.

---------- Post added at 11:14 ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 ----------

My doctor wanted to check me for H. pylori as well, but if you are on that medication, you need to be off of it for 2 weeks to get accurate test results. I am having joint pain in my knees and I just started on that medication a few weeks ago. Is that a common side effect or something? I'm on omeprazole and refused to google side effects.

Do you have to take enoscopy to detect h pylori or is it enough with colonoscopy. I had endoscopy 10 years ago and it was the most horrible thing I ever did and dread the thought of doing it again.

14-09-16, 14:22
So I had the ultrasound and from parking the car to getting back in it again I was only 15 minutes.

The sonographer could see I was anxious so she talked me through it. Everything is fine, no evidence of anything other than lots of gas. She said I don't even have a fatty liver, almost like she was expecting to see one!

So I guess it's back to square one when I see the GP next week and we will go down the H Pylori route. It's a breath test so I drink a special liquid and breathe into a tube. No endoscopy has been mentioned thank goodness. I'm not sure I would cope with that.

14-09-16, 20:05
I'm with you on this. I've been having abdominal pains,but in my sides and sometimes at the front,also in my back. Went through a thing of thinking I had ovarian cancer,my bloods where fine,even had a ca125 which was 15.but I kept getting bloating and pains down my legs.went for private ultrasound in the end,I couldn't wait any longer.it was fine,but now ive started on a thing with stomach and pancreatic cancer....still got my pains but since then I've had heartburn and indigestion. I'm on lansoprazole for it.doctors say it's my health anxiety. I know how you feel,I really do. I'm going out my mind with thinking what's wrong with me.xx