View Full Version : anxiety breakdown

14-09-16, 10:34
Maybe the phrase I am using is not the extact term.

But I have experienced another complete anxiety episode in the last couple of days.

What set it off was a tooth abacess on the front of my mouth. As soon as I got the abacess taking out and drained the anxiety hit me that evening (monday)

Having years of experience of anxiety I know what a full blown episode entails and how long it lasts. So I took to bed only to toss and turn from left to right with vivid dreams , afraid to get out of bed and tormented by the anxiety in bed Monday was tough.

I woke up Tuesday morning in bits with anxiety again, so straight to my doctor for 5 days of valium which always seems to get me out of a hole when this happens, in the past without the valium this could go on for weeks or months.

So its Wednesday morning now, I actually got some relief yesterday at times after starting to take the valium 5mg tabs, I took 4 yesterday but the dose I am on now is 3 a day. This morning I had anxiety in the pit of my stomach but guess what I just eat and pushed myself into work.

Going through the door was the hard part. I hope these valium will get me over this blip I stuffered with anxiety for 10 years without medication for months on end so have been through the horrid stuff.

Going to keep this post updated to let you know my journey through this blip.

I take effexor 225mg a day for the past 5 years. Which normally keep the anxiety at bay.

14-09-16, 19:26
Hi , sorry you are going through a bad patch I'm in the same boat and somtimes it doesn't take much to trigger it , I'd had a bad time and managed reasonable ok then the hot weather has been the trigger and set me off again I'd stopped the diazepam and felt better but I am taking a small dose to help me through , hopefully we will both soon be back on an even keel , hope yours passes soon .