View Full Version : how do u cope

14-09-16, 15:29
Hi can any one tell me how they cope with their HA as I cant seem to cope with mine as never seems to get better everyday I wake up some kind of symtom or ache or pain and start to panick strait away I either fone gp fone nhs 111 up google its just getting out of hand I've even had parmedics out twice in the past 2wks because of the way I was feeling,I'm just so tied of bieng this way, i feel that if i don't go and get checked out straight awayit mite be too late and ill die I try to do the wait and see but the panic just sets in and I cant do it I have to fone gp etc up to get checked out , yesterday morning because of the way I was feeling I cried to my daughter and said that I wanted to admit myself to the local mental hoslpital because Icant seem to cope with it and that I cant help myself but she calmed me down and told me that it was just the anxiety making feel this way, I just feel that I'm the only one who feels and reacts this way as I haven't heard of anyone else bieng like me, I'm waiting for therapy with the mental health but its long waiting time, sorry for such a long post and mybe someone can give me so advice on how to cope and that there maybe there is someone on here who does do wat i do and that it is H/A that makes me feel and react this way thk

---------- Post added at 15:29 ---------- Previous post was at 13:30 ----------

Oh well maybe no one can give me any advice

14-09-16, 15:47
Well you've done the right thing, and a bit step, seeking help for the anxiety, it's a shame you've got a wait but it is on the horizon and focus on that.

People here aren't mental health professionals and can only give you advice that helped them during their anxiety. I won't try and pretend I have the same degree of health anxiety you have (although I have had some bad episodes), but for me it's always been focusing on probability and latching on to that. Nasty diseases are rare. They're all over the TV and rest of the media because they make dramatic stories. But they are rare. Anxiety symptoms and mild illnesses, on the other hand, are very very common. And when you've had a lot of panics what's more likely - yet another panic to chalk up on your already long list of panics, or actually getting a nasty illness? It's overwhelmingly the former. But anxiety by its nature is thinking irrationally, and this is so easier said than done.

The other big, big advice is stop looking at medical sites, if you do already. Don't touch them. They can only lead to bad things. Because we're not qualified to understand what we're reading, and when we're panicked we focus on what confirms our fears. There are people on this forum that are devastated because they've misunderstood medical jargon, and misinterpreted normal anxiety symptoms, or even normal bodily functions, as signs of deadly diseases - somewhere I've been myself in the past too.

Also look here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms at the huge list of symptoms that can be attributed to anxiety itself. Physical manifestations that feel worryingly, unfeasibly real. You know you're anxious, and you don't need to look further for explanations of how you're feeling.

But I do appreciate (from experience) that this is all easy to say, and hard to do when you're panicking, and I hope the therapy goes well. Good luck.

14-09-16, 16:08
Are you taking any medication for your anxiety tricia?
I do agree with axolotl, don't look your symptoms up.
I have tablets to calm me down as I am a big worrier, they do help.
I hope you do not have to wait much longer for your therapy, and I do hope it suits you and makes you feel calmer and better in yourself.:hugs:x

15-09-16, 01:16
For me, I had to train my mind to not focus on every single symptom. Or if a new one pops up, to refocus my mind on something else. I find when I do this the new symptom goes away quite quickly, which tells me it was all in my mind to begin with. Stay away from Google. Browse these boards and offer help to others. Soon it will just be natural for you and you'll find that you go longer and longer between times of self checking.

Don't get me wrong, I still have my moments. But -- I am much better now than I was 10 months ago.