View Full Version : Sudden Deaths - ANXIOUS

14-09-16, 13:44
Back again, feeling terrible again lately because of so many reported sudden deaths, people going on holiday and dying and whatnot. This has always caused my anxiety but lst night through no fault of my own i came across two cases and it kept me awake, i feel terrible today. I cant focus, chest feels tight, i've had a tension headache all day and i'm convinced i'm going to become one of those statistics.

14-09-16, 14:11
Think of this way - the reason these things make the news is because they're so hugely unusual and improbable. It's astronomically low odds, and reading about it or worrying about it doesn't change those chances in any way. You're not psychic, so you haven't got any power to predict random events - convincing yourself you're going to become a sudden death statistic is like convincing yourself you know next week's lottery numbers. It can't be done. At any one time there's a billion unlikely things that can happen outside your control, and there's no point dwelling on any of them.

14-09-16, 15:37
thats true. Thanks for that. I can usually manage my anxiety about things better than i could but this one always is harder. plus im not feeling great at the moment so of course im convinced all matter of things are wrong with me. meh.