View Full Version : Common cold and heightened anxiety

14-09-16, 13:53
Does anyone else's anxiety go through the roof when they're sick?

I've caught what seems to be a common cold from my son and my anxiety has gotten worse. I obviously feel ill and tired but I also have aches and just feel generally weak - all these symptoms are sending my anxiety sky high, I keep checking my temperature (which is fine) and worrying that it's something more serious masking itself as a cold even though I know my son has been snotty all week.
One thing that's caused me anxiety is that I had a one off bout of diarrhoea quite suddenly last night, I don't know if it's caused by the cold or the excess adrenaline but it's gotten me worried.

I'm working hard to keep the panic under control and hopefully it'll pass soon.

14-09-16, 14:32
YES! I'm going through this right now. I have a cold where my whole head is congested and my face hurts. I have a cold probably once year. But this time, my anxiety is higher.
And I don't know why. I know I'm not going to die. But I'm over focusing on how my body feels. Do I feel weak? Do I feel dizzy? Do I feel too warm from fever?
Urgh, it's the worst! As if trying to fight a cold isn't bad enough, I don't need to be fighting anxiety at the same moment.

14-09-16, 15:02
Thanks for the reply :)

It's horrible isn't it?! Even though I know that I've had numerous colds in the 25 years I've been alive and always been fine I still have anxiety over any illness - it's silly really! I worry that I'll get dizzy and pass out (I have a huge fear of fainting) or that it's something worse than a cold.

Hopefully in a couple of days we'll be feeling much better and the anxiety will calm down again!

14-09-16, 15:57
Same here! I'm afraid of fainting.
I think if I was with someone I'd be ok. But I live alone. And that kinds freaks me out when there's no one to take care of me