View Full Version : does any one have panic all the time

14-09-16, 15:09
From wakeing have all symthmons very severe

14-09-16, 21:11
I've felt this way before in the past, as well as last summer when I felt constant tension and restlessness. I'd wake up and panic, it would get better, but then it'd get worse again and continue being bad all throughout the day as well as night... Would wake up in panic. I understand how you feel. Constant panic is just awful!

18-09-16, 23:20
Hi, yes. I have had very severe periods where I have felt like I am in one long constant panic attack and sleeping or diazepam was the only relief.

I got better from that - I hope you do too...

27-09-16, 08:30
Well i know that every mental problems have his routs on subconstient mind .Its important than before yo sleep and imediatly when you wake up to think positively and imagine your life as being healthy without anxiety .Its very important to feel emotions and feel good when practicing this tehnique