View Full Version : Spot near mole - so scared again :-(

14-09-16, 16:36
I'm freaking out about my mole again. It's on the side of my thigh, is a few different colours (one of them being fairly dark brown/black) and the border is a bit all over the place.
But a few days ago I noticed a small lump/spot on the skin about 3mm away from the mole. I'm so scared now as I think this spot thing is getting a little bit bigger.
Can changes happen around the mole and not just to the actual mole itself if it's something bad??
Please anyone!! I was just starting to get control over this until I noticed this spot thing. I'm so scared. Is it something bad or is it my HA??

14-09-16, 20:16
It's your Health Anxiety again.

You could always post a picture of the mole?

15-09-16, 08:35
I never thought of posting a picture of it. Do people do that here??
I don't think I've ever seen anyone doing it.

15-09-16, 08:39
Yup people do all the time. However, keep in mind that there are no Dr.s here and the only and best possible solution to your anxiety is to get it looked at by someone certified.