View Full Version : Feeling dizzy and off balance since last 2 years

14-09-16, 22:28
I am male 33 years. Feeling dizzy and off balance since last 2 years. Initially it was manageable but since last three months its making me disable.
I made countless visits to doc office with nothing got diagnosed yet. I feel off balance like I am rocking although my body is still. I am facing following symptoms

- Lightheadedness, dizziness, off balance often prominent after sleep, I feel like I am in some bubble world. It brings episode of nausea.
- Heavy eyes, difficulty moving eyes. Vision has been degraded, blurred vision, trouble seeing in the night. Sandy/windy eyes. Difficult concentrating on computer screen
- Continues heavy head, sometimes front head, sometimes side or sometime back part of the head. Sometime get pretty bad headache. Feels like originating from neck, but not always.
- Trouble in coordination, feels like I will drop something that is hold in my hand.
- Slurred speech, During episode of off balance/dizziness, I find difficult to pronounce certain words.
- Stiffed neck, although it’s not showstopper, but sometime I feel my headache is originating from there.
- I feel my legs are warm like I have fever.

I have consulted cardiologist, neurologist, ENT, ophthalmologist, physical therapist, allergist and endocrinologist, following tests has been done with nothing found except a little high blood pressure for which I am taking Biostolic 5mg since last three months. Also my cholesterol level is little elevated.

Also I am suffering with episodes of ED since these symptoms has started two years back, its off and on, not sure its related to this.

- Stress test – 2 times
- Echocardiogram – 2 times
- Heart CT - Calcium score is 0.
- Cardio Vascular ABI
- Hormone test - all hormones ok except testosterone low at 290
- Brain MRI without contrast
- Balance ENG test - Little BPVV identified on left year but Physical therapist ruled out that after performing Epley maneuver two times.
- Lyme disease test
- Allergy test - no allergy found
- Physical therapist is trying gaze stabilization exercise, he suspect VOR, but no relief yet after 4-5 visits.
- ophthalmologist examined eye, have very minor cataract which doesn’t require any treatment. He suggested to check for ocular myasthenia.

Appointment is scheduled for ocular myasthenia in the month end.
I am also planning to visit orthopedics to check if I have cervical related problem as I have stiff neck.

I started doing cardio exercises since 4 months and since last 3 months I am also lifting heavy weights in gym.

So here is my story, I feel like disable everyday as I wake up with headache, off balance, not able to concentrate on my work. Any real experience who got similar symptoms? Please help.

15-09-16, 08:47
This is pretty much what I'm going through right now! I feel lightheaded, dizzy, not "room is spinning" dizzy, but woozy and weird. I feel like I'm rocking when standing up straight, but other people tell me I'm not. If I turn my head I get more lightheaded and dizzy. I've had this for about a month, and I'm not getting worse and it gets better if I concentrate on something, but the feeling is still there. It also makes my legs feel weird, like I might faint (but I never do).

Otherwise I feel fine, apart from a few other things like occassional tiredness and nervousness that can be attributed to my stress and anxiety. I don't have any pain or trouble speaking or thinking, but I still hate this feeling. I can't enjoy myself anymore.

I think some of your symptoms can be attributed to focusing and overthinking - if you keep thinking about the way you speak and feel, you'll probably notice something because you're so focused on finding something wrong. For example, if I concentrate on finding floaters by looking at things, they will show up, but if I act normally, I won't notice them.

From what I've read about brain tumors here, you'd definitely feel like something is very wrong (think seizures, passing out, blackouts, loss of functions, deabilitating headaches etc).

20-11-16, 00:02
I started with being dizzy in July when I had a chest infection. Following this for a week it then turned to being "out of balance" and one day I totally went off balance and my knees went from under me, this lasted over half an hour before i could stand up and I was terrified. I thought i had a brain tumour and saw doc who tested for brain tumour and said he thought I had benign vertigo which is debris in the middle ear caused either by calcium or infection. I am now waiting to go ENT, but the doc gave me tablets which do control it in the meantime while waiting for the ENT appointment in December. This fear brought on my current GAD